Friday, December 04, 2009

watched! Nep League! HnA!

Nep League was so much fun! laughed as always. i love how the Neptune team was always singing to A.RA.SHI as like grp cheer. Arashi's so much love!

so every correct answer, you're suppose to pose! how cute! heh.. from the looks of it, Sho did answer more. ne, as expected of a Keio graduate.. <3 but but Nino's smart too!

i donno how to explain this part, it's a gag actually. both Sho and Nino did. but i gotta love Nino's. damn cute! see his many many styles!

and this the ultimate part of the whole gameshow. win hands down! Nino sneaked into Sho's armpit. hahaha!

how can i not love that??? i've show this b4 i think.

and Sho super can't tahan to laugh.. LOL!

sexual harassament LOL!

and i gotta love how Sho was so suprised when he heard Nino called him Sho-chan i/o Sho-kun. awww! it's more affectionate ne! heh..

last week's HnA was very entertaining except for the last part. bahh!

now that's why i love them. <3

rebellious growing up kid. LOL! oh that pout is to die for! LOL!

but the last part really sucks. such an injustice to Nino. poor him. worst prank ever. could have been better. or at least, not Nino. he's so smart not to fall into such lame pranks. YES! booo!

ok, time to sleep. i shall continue later. heh. going shopping at UNIQLO later! wee! hope to get some gd bargains.. :)

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