Thursday, December 10, 2009

regretful at this time :(

ahh! regret is starting to struck me time and again, whenever i watch all the fancams, reports, etc. i should have just parted with 800. haizz! damn HAIZZ.. really. come to think of it, it's afterall a 10th anniversary concert rite? BAHH! the thought of it. im getting so restless, tho i know for the fact that it's over already, nothing can be done. Nagoya Dome is just going to be that ex. somehow, i wish, a miracle will happen.

for now, all i can do is dream and fantasize by myself. this sounds silly you may think, but im after all, but a fangirl. can't help it. like what Aisha said to me just 2 days ago, everything starts with a dream. though mine is for the wrong reason? no i don't think so. like i said, i'm a fangirl.

so what do i need to do? make more friends, whom i can go con with, someone with connection. so far, i can only think of japan_je. what else? SAVE MONEY! yes, i will DILIGENTLY save money. if only i don hv so many 21st that i was invited to. a lot of money go there. i've already started this plan of mine called "Save all the $1 you have". i wonder how long i can keep up with this, but hopefully, i will be able to for long. Nino shall be my motivation. i definitely can't go out to work. i wonder how else i can money. oh my, i sound so wrong here. oh! i know! when my internship starts, i must save those money!!! i don want my money to fly nowhere just like how my $5K++ i earned from ML flew. YES!

and i will definitely CRY when i watch the full concert on DVD. it better be sure to come out in DVD.

gosh!! clock is ticking way too fast now!!! 0243!!

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