Sunday, December 13, 2009

suddenly, in the midst of it

i love how they hug Nino. Nino's so small, and big bro hugging him.. Awww~ love!

Nino x Sho..

Nino x Aiba.. ahh, how can i not love them, they were grouped together for Mago Mago Dinner. soo sweeet~ and the kids sure love them so much! i wanna be that kid!

poor Nino. crying due to cutting onions.. haha!

it's nice when you're in the middle of watching the video of variety shows and then CM came out and the recorded that in. yes! love it! and there was one time it was Takuya' CM, and i was like KYAAA~ haha! it's as if i saw him for the first time. but of course, i've been neglecting him, hence that kinda reaction. LOL! *guilty*

and yes, i saw yet again, and it's Nino's! cute lehh!! *faint*

don't you think that's cute? ok la, only me and Nino's fan. heh..

and yes, i've joined another community, and yes, she subbed so many things! having a good laugh now, watching more older AnS. ok, off to watching more!

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