Friday, December 25, 2009


HOHOHO! everyone MERRY XMAS & Happy New Year!

anw, my xmas is a LONELY one, despite having Arashi to accompany me. coz mum's on a holiday to Langkawi!! so is my sis, who is having fun shopping in KL. in here i am stuck in SG for this looong weekend. oh man! what waste rite? oh wells, im fated not to go ANYWHERE this year, so let it be. i spent the last few moments of 2009 here in SG. how patriotic LOL!

don't ask me to go out. that's the last thing i will ever do. it's gg to be packed everywhere. i'd rather rot at home.

anw, i spent a day at my aunt's house. fun. just catching up, doing nothing but TV and eat, eat and eat. hehe. my uncle said we came to his house just to bring stomach. To Cik Icha and Cik Zaradi and Amalisa, thanks for the stay! love! wonder when will be the next stay-over..

to end of this post, christmas messages from SMAP and Arashi. from aishitsuzukeru LJ. she visited the JFC. this was posted long time ago, but i'm only posting it now, in xmas. more suitable.

from SMAP-san. i didn't know they're so English! haha! all wished in English leh! but the little messages in Japanese. Takuya is lazy, just wish with no messages. haha!
from him~
Merry Xmas and Happy New Year. With Love, Takuya Kimura. fainted!

from beloved Arashi-san~

Merry Christma~s! Have you all exchanged presents!? I haven't. (lol) Have you all eaten new years food? Those who haven't should so we can do our best this year as well! Please support us! (Yoroshiku) ~Ohno Satoshi

Merry Christmas!! and Happy New Year!! 2009, thanks to all of you, was the best year. Please continue to support us in 2010. (drawing) <- Santa Claus Sakurai Sho (how cute can his drawings be?? HAHAH! SANTA!)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Arashi has reached it's 10th year... I'd really like to thank you for everything (always). From now on, "let's Go~" have fun! Aiba Masaki
("Let's" in katakana but Go in English. hehe..)

long message from Nino. so sweet of him to wish Aiba happy birthday. :)
Merry Christmas!! And, happy birthday Aiba-kun!! Which means there is one more thing to celebrate, but please celebrate it!! The birthday boy should, too. (lol) Also, without realizing it, it's new years!! Happy New Year!! This year one thing! Please continue to support us!! Let's all do our best this year!! Ninomiya Kazunari

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Wishing you great days... with love Jun

this is the The 10th anniversary message board to the 6th member, the fans, was on display as well. 5000 altogether. this is the 6th. they have the serial no.

and yes! Non-no featuring Ohno x Nino celebrating christmas! soo cute!

zoom in this part.

cute piggy back ride! i want! hehe..

Ohno Santa & Nino Reindeer~


and then, christmas presents for members~

for Riidaa.. ne, i don't know why is it scotchtape and scissor.. if only i can read the caption. but i can't. maybe ask Shuwen's help.

for Sho-kun.. a globe thing..

for Aiba-san.. key?

for Nino. ehh!!!??!! why a baby sling/carrier? for Ohmiya's baby? hehe..

for Matsujun.. i donno what's this too. i zoomed in, but the scan is not that clear and HQ.

ok, time to sleep. didn't really had a good sleep at aunt's place. faster come and go friday, sat, and sun. i'm missing MUM!

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