Saturday, December 26, 2009

My Girl (The End)

oh man!! best drama ever after a loong time. everything complements each other. i love the soundtracks, the instrumental music playing in the background. i dl-ed them. NICE!

thanks to stormy team LJ for the fast release of episodes 7-10. soo happy for that!!

yes!! 9 & 10 are real tear-jerker. crying like shit! *cries*

the drama is so short and sweet, and the ending is happy and i'm very happy the ending is like that.

the scene b4 Sho appeared, i was crying. but when he appeared, i can't help but went KYAA~ hahahaha! that's a fast transition for tears to screams. LOL! irresistable! Sato-kun!

oooo? those big beautiful eyes, who does it belong to???

KYAA~ Nakazono Sato <3

you can't help but CRY!

CRYYY!! damn cute!

strong Masamune.. i'm glad he went to NY.

the place where they first met, Masamune & Yoko, Masamune & Koharu. AWWW~ i love those confetti.. is it?

Tadaima~ Okairinasai!

the end!

My Girl is love! i hope it will the best fall/winter drama. and so is the theme song. and so is the best actor. Aiba shined in this drama, considering this is his 1st ever drama serial. ahh, now i don't have any drama to chase. EHH! HAVE!! xiao zhu's! hehe.. and the rest, have to wait for next year, Jan. WOOTZ!

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