Wednesday, December 30, 2009

like a chimney

i was reading with much interest about this post by this user in arashi_on LJ, about who in Arashi members. wah, it was such a heated discussion sia! and how they can sidetrack from smoking to lip-sync and beauty operation also. it just amusing.

ne, im the least disturbed by it. i mean, so what if they smoke? it's such a norm in japan la. right? speaking of that, Takuya smokes A LOT! SUPER! and i rmb what changhong said back then. as you know, smoking is so bad, it will deteriorate everything. but then, Takuya is still able to maintain eveything. because why? he smokes high-class ciggies. LOL!

you know how stressful life in Japan is. people are so obsessed with whatever they do, especially work. and they distress by smoking and drinking. i've witnessed this myself back in ML.

but yeah, i don't care whether or not they smoke, cause it's their life afterall, big and old enough to know what's right, wrong, good or bad for them. right?

some things that amused me so much when was reading. the conclusion, that the fans allegedly believe. that heavy smokers are Nino, since he started smoking from Jr. days. then, second in line, it's among Aiba, Jun and Ohno. and most said that Aiba and Nino smoked a lot back then. but Aiba stopped after he got that lung prob, but recently started to smoke again, but not so much. Jun was always caught by paparazzi smoking on the streets. Ohno, just smoked casually. Sho's clean. social smoker only. Nino's worst. labelled as chain smoker. haha! he smoked like a chimney. but some choose not to believe coz Nino's such a miser and cheapskate to waste money on ciggies, and what's more, he's always busy with games, and with only two hands, how to smoke. hahahahahaha!! i tell you, fans are crazy and have many wild ideas la! amazing!

so somehow, when they were talking about this, they talked about them lip-syncing. oh wells. nothing to say about this. my stand's clear.

then more ridiculous stuff. talked about them having some ops here and there. nothing to say. it's about Arashi, but dear Takuya was also talked about in the discussion.

i choose not to believe or even bother with it. all these are such small and trivial matters, that it doesn't make a difference to them. nor their popularity. or whatsover, because of the fact that that's the norm, that's the reality of life. they are, afterall, human, like all of us.

and i can't help but to post these pics. cause i find them too irresistible, as always. hehehe.. oh! NINO!

from Stand Up! beside him is Suzuki Anne. oh my! hw looked damn uncle here can? haha! but i like still! i rmb very very well what scene was this, clad in that uncle-lish t shirt. haha!

how about this? FAINT! i love to see Nino in baseball jerseys. so cute~

more.. AWWW~

despite the fact that smoking is bad for health, they do really make guys cool, rite? haha! don't tell me you don't believe in that? CHET!

anw, resumes sent. but i'm not harbouring any hope on it.

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