Friday, December 11, 2009

simply adore them <3

i simply adore them. lots. <3

all taken from the same MMA episode 3 years ago.

Jun was exceptionally attractive with red specs. almost fainted. i just love bespectacled guys.

im glad he doesn't keep this hairstyle before. haha! he looked like some drunkard, some chikopek if i may say, so untidy. hahaha! pardon me, but i don't like. ahh! too much facial hair also. i wonder why he kept it that way. LOL! this is his hair in Kiiroi Namida too. can't tahan see him like that. hahahah! i love his caster hair best.

all of them kept such a short and neat hair.. <3

my ichiban too! <3

Ohno X Sho <3

OK! back to more Mago Mago!!

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