Sunday, December 27, 2009


finally, i'm able to do screencaps for MSSL. but of course. it's a must. this is only Arashi. i've yet to watch SMAP. another round of screencapping will continue from there. and i have the urge to watch others also. but i'm lazy to dl coz the files are damn big. so i hope that there will be online streaming of them in youtube.

never sick of the performance. before that, i was watching Best Artiste again. addicted to it!

let the pics do the talking. this is just HQ. screencaps will be much better if they are HD. but then, better than nothing.

i love the deco and setting! and having Arashi standing against them. man, i really wanna thank Stylist-san so so much for the GORGEOUS costumes. Aiba's shoes are shimmering GOLD. LOVE!

i love Sho's shining black jacket. but can't beat Nino's. haha! i love the striped shirt he wore inside. Jun's all purplish. nice, with that bowtie.

madness, screencapping fans. they're all holding all the different uchiwas representing Arashi! love ehh! i saw NI! JUN! SATOSHI!


yes! i love his polka dots jacket and checked shirt inside. damn nice!

more fans!! i saw NINO! OHNO! JUN!

Birthday Boy~ i love his costumes too. nice silver with turquoise and black and a bowtie too.

birthday banner for Aiba. Omedetou!

just wanna show you Nino's booty. LOLOLOL! i think the pants are really too tight for him? haha!





favourite choreo! i tell you, Nino turned and twirled A LOT! and the hair will sway and flick. love!

more! i wonder what or who's CHU. hmmmmm..


i like his hands like that! i tell you, the slightest actions, antics by him can blow me away, driving me to insanity!

peace again! i love him peace-ing the fans!

Juntoshi. my fav part of Everything..

my fav pairing.. like Chip & Dale. hahaha!

peace again!!

cause his jacket kinda slip and he cool-ly pull them back. KYAAAA~


LOVE! NINO center is love!

bye bye~ KAKKOII!!


hey you two, thanks for that FULL NAME OF NINO! LOVE! they're so heavily "accessorised"! LOL! with smurfs on one wrist, penlight on another, holding uchiwa. SALUTE!

ok, time for SMAP! they performed Sotto Kyutto and Superstar. ne, i don't really like Superstar. oops!

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