Monday, December 21, 2009

temptation MAXIMUM!

they've become so so good, appearing in so many mags non-stop.. and i can't resist the temptation to purchase those mags and also blog about just how damn good-looking they can be..

sparkling Arashi****

winter Arashi..

from CUT.. ARASHI here, there and everywhere~

Men of the Year, Arashi <3 damn MANN! i should say. <3

from Myojo. another killer mag!


and i just gotta love this so much, though i felt bad for Jun. haha! but nothing la, Nino was left alone at that same corner for 5 x 10 group poster and because of that i didnt buy it. LOL! OHMIYA huggies! SAKURABA love! LOVE SUPER SUPER MUCH LAA!

and i better make sure i go to sleep the moment i off my lappy coz i haven't been sleeping well, tossing and turning so much b4 i really sleep.

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