Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Step and Go!

my most fav PV of all, everlasting, still can be on rpt mode even after so long. the very 1st few songs that i fell in love after listening to Dream "A" live album. and that is none other than Step and Go.

finally the subbed from the All the BEST dvd. love their comments. damn funny. so the filming was done during the vacation period. poor them.

i was shocked that not many actually like this when it 1st came out as single. BUT I FELL IN LOVE WITH IT JUST AFTER LISTENING TO IT ONCE! yes! believe it or not, itunes played this 157 times since Nov 13 (oh! Takuya's bday!) ipod played for 150++ times, last played is now, coz i put it in rpt mode as im blogging. haha! that's how much i love the song. <3 the PV is so nice and simple! but people thought it was so cheapo and budget. haha! even if it is so, i think it's just as amazing! love the slow motion parts! love love love! their colourful costumes against white background, and it stands out! nice what!! and i watched it at least 6 times to fully appreciate, this 6 times is only here, haven't include the counts i watched b4. haha! crazyness i know. <3 let the screencap do the talking. LOVE!

and the slow motion starts. there are only a few of such cameras in Japan..

many hated Nino's yellow cloth thingy. haha! nice what!! I LIKE!! because of this i bot a yello cardigan!

nice purple..

cool blue and red..

Aiba wanted to wear the tee that Sho bot for him from India.. but nvr wear.. wore the one provided. i think. i fgt now.

how coool! love the CHECKED!

heh.. coz he's my ichiban..

Aiba x Ohno moment..

another damn cool slow motion..

i love that hands.. reaching out for me? LOLOLOLOL!

i love this effect so so much and there's lots of it in the PV! plus the words!

this too! great simple CG.. <3

i thot Aiba looks sweeet here..

and of course, my Nino.. heh.. <3

gotta love all of these! but i just screencap Nino's. heh..


more of this effect!

UWAHHH! Nino's backflip!!

Sho x Ohno..

Nino x Aiba..


my fav!

so much love <3


L-O-V-E! <3 <3 <3

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