Tuesday, December 08, 2009

old mags are treasure sometimes

so i was clearing all the old old mags that i donno why i bot them when there aren't any of my idols in them. sometimes,i just bought them for fun to read. haha. but but, some, i was so happy to see these in them!

ya, i actually browsed through all the mags once again b4 i discard them away.

uwahhh!!! that's so long ago! 2003! in sept. 3 discs? it should be 5 discs!

a bit more recent, from 2005. 3 discs? ok la. haha! i only like a few songs.

back then, i donno them. but now, im so crazy over them..

ok, time for TV. will be back for more Gokusen and Arashi after 10.

tmr is movie date with Shuwen to watch Gokusen! weee! it's her 5th time! madness!

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