Saturday, December 12, 2009

society meet up

we finally meet up, and catch up. the guys are one side, all talking about their army life. ahh, they're growing up to be a man, that's what i thought. haha! no longer boys, but man. and the girls were complaining and whining abt how tough uni life is, and we were telling those who are still in poly to enjoy their last few moments, coz uni will be hell.

response was quite good, as all MCs came except for Christina who was away for CCA. SCOs, ok la, not bad also.

and yeah, we celebrated 3 birthdays. Happy birthday to XX, MJ and Dee! :DD

and and, i heard more couples forming in society! haha! and Daz and i were saying, how come we are still single, and why during our time no couples. LOL!

my society 07/08.. :)

and i already bought my hard drive. YAY! 500 gb, wonder if it's enough. and YAY, i bought my mouse too! thanks mum for the moolah.. haha!

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