Tuesday, December 29, 2009

of moving stage, nakedness, and lots more

i was too tired ystd to on my lappy at night. but of course, i only slept at 6+ am. heh.

so mum safely reached home at 11.45 pm. coz the tour took the Tuas route, so there was no jam. i miss her so much! and you know what?? SHE'S GOING HOLIDAY AGAIN THIS WEEKEND!! coz there's a wedding in KL, so shun bian holiday and shop in KL. nah, i never follow coz my cousin's not following too. all those that will be going are the aunties. no company.

so, i will have a lonely loooong weekend again. bahh! im so not looking fwd to it though employees will enjoy it. what tough luck i had this year, both xmas and new year holidays are long, yet i'm lonely, stuck in my own world. so so sad! HENG AR i still have my sis. so maybe go sleepover at her house for a day. anw, i needa change my keitai too! so sis gotta accompany me. really, it's at the verge of dying. but but, i still donno what phone to buy. boo! so ma fan leh me! sheesh!

anw, just snippets of Arashi..

woohoo!! Nino hold the trophy for No. 1 DVD! haha! coz coz, i bought that!! aww~


anw, i spent my late noon ystd watching AAA in Dome. uwahh!!! ne, Johnny's cons never fail to amaze me and make me go WAHHHH! i will always have goosebumps watching their cons. when i see their, i mean, i'm referring to SMAP and Arashi. hehe. love lehh!!!

but, i wanna complain!! i wish Nino performed the full song for Himitsu! boo!! because his performance is so short, that's why i bough AAA in kokuritsu instead of AAA in Dome.

nonetheless, the concert is SUGOI!

sorry, but i only screencap Nino. hehe. oops!

performing Himitsu. i love this song coz it's cute and sweet.

FAINT! love it! he performed Himitsu too, but i forgot which con. one of the AAA.

like solo ehh. nice. one reason why i like Blue, coz Nino started off 1st in the song. NICE~

awww~ Best 3.. love!

yes, he just love to goof around the moving stage. i tell you, im scared out of my wits seeing them perform on the moving stage la! like, just one step, you can fall down! ok, maybe i'm just too paranoid. the revolution of moving stage, courtesy of Jun. :D

that smile, and peace. i just love him to bits and pieces. <3

and let me show you something! saw this ystd on arashi_on. OH MY!! the pics are so seductive and disturbing! lol!! commuters and passers-by will be disturbed by them laa! and there will jammed himan traffic coz they are ogling at it. hahaha! fainted leh! these are at the subways i think. cant cant wait for SAIGO NO YAKSOKU ne!!! jan 9!! wootz! im gg to watch it straightaway the moment the upload is up. doesn't matter if there's so sub.

love it!

ok, tmr's result. and i will be sending my resume tmr too. hope all will go well! lucks to me!

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