Sunday, December 27, 2009


SMAP wins hands down laaa!!! superb as always!! the same old brand new them. LOVE!

Takuya is the hottest living thing on earth. REALLY! there can only be one and only Takuya Kimura. <3

OH MY! they wore a different costume from performances! SOO SHUAI!

SMAP san!

Nakai's always with fedoras..



Kawaii~ Shingo's hair hardly black. haha!

somehow, Tsuyoshi's shrink? or is it he's short, just that i didn't realise? hmmm..

that SMAP t-shirt is nice!


performing Sotto Kyutoo <3 sorry, but takuya-centric here. hehe..

i love him singing like this!! full of expression, or rather, mouth expression.

that braid, that jambul! err, what do i call that in English? ahh, i donno! let's just call curry puff.


love these kinda dance steps.

SUPERSTAR★! oh my, surprisingly good, coz i don't really like. hehe. maybe, i just like Takuya's part. anw, cameraman-san somehow take very nice angles of SMAP. :) ureshii!

GREAT FAN-SERVICE from him! he did turn around to face the fans though.

nice ending. LOL!

ok, i shall watch again later. not enough. must repeat and internalise. hahaha!

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