Saturday, December 12, 2009

hubby or lover?

i know i should be sleeping now, but the stubborn me just don't wanna go to sleep yet, especially after reading this trans for 2009 Dec's Wink Up. im glad someone translated it coz i bot the mag you see.

so one part of the trans for Arashi is:
Q – “I would choose this person as my…” lover ・ husband ・ friend ・ brother ・ cousin – fill in Arashi’s names accordingly!

so i wanna fill up. hahaha!! it's not easy!

the only definite answer is husband, and that is Sho, though i love Nino. hahaha! contradicting? i think so too.

lover- Nino
husband- Sho
friend- Jun
brother- Aiba
cousin- Ohno

haha! if u ask me to FORCE to only include one name only, that will be my answer, though it's kinda uncertain, heh.

so since i can't make Nino a husband, he'll be my lover. hah! but come to think of it, he will make a good hubby, just that now, i think, he's not thinking of marriage, and even said that he will end Ninomiya's generation with him. LOLOLOL!

husband, no doubt, gotta be Sho, and second in line will be Aiba.

Jun, ne, i donno him that much about him, hence friend.

Aiba is a brother himself, so i guess he'll be a nice brother.

Ohno, hahaha! donno where else to put him, so as cousin. why the hell ask to rank cousin? hahaha! and actually, Sho will suit everything.. <3

ok ok, time to sleep! meeting society peeps later! :)

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