Monday, December 07, 2009


dl-ed Ultra Super Game sometime ago and finally watched it just now. DAMN NICE! i wish Arashi members were grouped together instead coz it's painful to see him challenging against each other. but ne, they're all very sporting. damn cool!! i was like cheering, went ahh and ooohhh. So Ohno and Sho emerged as the winner, a joint winner as they were tie.

but i wanna cheer to Aiba and Jun, having to go thru the most ridiculous batsu game ever. and of course, to dear Nino, who isn't a swimmer, hates the sea/beach so much, but still represented his group for this obstacle. OHMY! his perseverance, and a bit of luck, he made it!

now that's why i love him. Nino is L-O-V-E! <3

back then he was 21 going 22..

wootz! mermaid i mean, merman.. heh..

catching some breath..

luck was on his side, he was able to open the chest in just one try!

ok, shall update more later. i've loads to blog, just that im lazy coz too many things is gg on. heh. oh what else! fangirling! :P

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