Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Arashi 9 years ago

i was watching Arashi's second appearance in Utaban. oh man, they were so young, small and soo cute at that time. irresistible cuteness!

back then, Sho was still an undergrad in Keio, the rest are in high sch, and Ohno has graduated. and in that Utaban, Nakai wanted to decide who should be the leader in a more just way, instead of just janken. LOL!

so they played some quiz, dance moves, and some athletic flexibility stuff or whatever you call it, and Nino won, and hence the "leader". LOL!

uwahh, it was amazing how Sho could do that dance steps well, and yes, now i'm convinced that Jun is indeed an elite. haha!

anyways, they're all equally cool, and i love them. going to watch one last video, and by that time, my would've completely dried, and i can go to sleep.

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