Sunday, December 13, 2009

love, or lust? LOL!

Golden Rush Arashi is indeed boring, unless you're interested in the topics that they talked about, but im not really interested. what's nice about watching GRA is just to ogle at Arashi rabu rabu and couplings. hehe.. im so chikopek, watching Arashi's love and also their baka-ness. stupidity at the max sometimes. LOL! that's Arashi! <3

uwahh! am i seeing things? or am i thinking too much? NO rite? LOL!

kyaaa~ how cute! super love!

OHMIYA! passionately stuck that cotton pad into his nose.

affectionately wipe him.. awww~

how cute! hide hide! AHHH!

i love all these couplings and love.. heh.. <3 ok! continue to ARASHI!

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