Friday, December 25, 2009

my heart ached

AnS on Dec 14 is nice!! damn hilarious like shit. LOL! they should have more AnS like this. hehe. the same old gags that you will never be tired of. and it's fun to read Stormy team's screencaps and narration. hehe.

Yasashii ne..

i love this pairing as much. Nino's such a brat towards Aiba. haha!

this is where i wanna cry. Poor poor Nino! we know how much he can't stand the sea and boat and get sea-sick so easily. and this turns on the bat is even worse than the sea. OH MY GAH!

he was kuu-ing all the way. and mean Jun was like there's no use kuu-ing. HAHA! how badd!

COLLAPSED after 10 rounds. :(

aww~ that cute face made my heart ache went away a bit.

soo pitiful!


i'm glad cameraman-san did some justice to Nino and included him in the frame. my heart ache all came back in full force. really!

seee! OUCH!

and i bet, this part, he kinda like burp, you know, if you fell nausea, you will like burp. poor him.

i'm so worried for him. seriously. but then, it's just a game ne!

ok, time to watch last week's HnA as there's a trans for it already! yay!

oh!! Nino's co-star for the Ooku movie is Kou Shibasaki. uwahh, i can only rmb one thing about her vividly. haha! chang hong told me that she was like the flirtish type, when she co-starred with Takuya in Goodluck, such that his wife had to come to the setting to see if she do anything funny to Takuya. LOL! rumour rumour.. back then.. anw, looking forward to it!! i doubt it will be shown in SG. hmm..

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