Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Ohmiya MAX!

D no Arashi is what i must watch for loads and loads of Ohmiya SK. 117 episodes of DnA, crazyness! i wonder if i can finish the whole series during this hols period. hmm.. but anw, yes, the person is so nice to sub 117 episodes all. WOW! love love!

Indiana Jones? heh. rubby rubby head part 1..

Nino, where are your hands going? he inserted his hands into Ohno's life jacket. haha!

rubby rubby part 2. Aww~ so cute! MAXIMUM!

his actions were damn cute here when he was talking to Sho.. he reminds me of Uta no Onii-san.. HAHA!

D no Arashi is love!

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