Monday, December 07, 2009

for once, about my daily life

ranting time.. let me start with today!

aisha came over to my house to print stuff that she wanted to send for her application in NUS. then accompanied her to NUS. eeeyerrr, i think NUS is damn disgusting. haha! ok la, maybe im just bias, coz im from NTU. quite tiring, having to travel from student service centre then to the engineering sch to submit the form. then we went IMM. heh.. what else can we do at IMM? went cotton on, then went to eat, then walked around, then she left for class, and i headed home.

not a while ago, suddenly, i wanna clean up my bookshelf. so it was halfway done. i cleaned and dusted, leave to dry and sort of "air" it, and i shall arrange the books tmr.

my weekends were spent lazing at home. watched tv, arashi-ed, and gokusen-ed. nothing much. wanna ask ppl out, no one's free. so just rot at home.

12/4- what did i do on friday eh? oh!! i went 313@Somerset to shop at uniqlo! wahh! damn nice! first time i had to queue just to enter a store. coz this is only done at high-class branded stores.. heng ar i didnt have to queue so long. bot 2 pants and 1 tee. would've bought more if my cousins are a bit more enthu like me. they hate crowded places and aren't fond of uniqlo. haha. so i wanna go again coz i haven't had enough! i wanna get the purple parka!! i wanna get more bottoms, and also tops! since they're cheap now. so hopefully, nx wk, aisha would wanna go.

12/3- thur, also slack. can't really rmb what i did tho.

12/2- wed, went to uniqlo's fashion show. AMAZING! that's all i can say. all the more i love uniqlo. :)

it may be the hols, but my mind is always filled with school, coz i've yet to settle my timetable. electives are tough to choose, coz many ppl are competing for it, what's more, i want them to suit my timetable swee-ly. bahh! and and!! japanese had to fall on the same exam date as accounting. how sucks can that be? AHHH! shitty! damn shitty!

that aside, im amazed at how students can still go to work during this short hols of 1 and half mths. bahh! no life! i've said this b4, and i guess i wont be so lou soh and rant abt it again. and i don wanna admit that im the hopeless one. and talking abt that, it's time to think abt which company i wanna go for my 2mths of torturous internship. it's so competitive. haizz. the internship isn't like back in NP, where you just pick and choose, and the lecturers will settle it for you. here, you're all on your own. im so so scared. of course i would wanna do my internship properly! of course i wanna gain good experiences. of course i wanna work at those good co! but but, are they willing to hire me, considering my lousy results? bahh! they want at least 2nd upper! cry! maybe i should just be more confident and give it a try, coz i hv ML experience, and and my Poly results aren't that bad afterall? i shall see how. i should be more hardworking and apply for all the openings that i receive. TOUGH! why, WHY, why is life so TOUGH?? :(

Arashi time. (i can nvr miss this, rite? heh.)

so Tokyo Dome's con ended safely. it was amazing reading all the con rpts that i've read. they're just amazing. fans are good too. praised by many people, from the entertainment industry and the likes. PINK! how sweet ne!

and yes! i donno if i have blogged abt this, but Nino's going to appear in yet another movie! which will be shown in autumn 2010! oh man, i wonder if it will be shown here in SG. i hope! ONEGAI! PRETTY PLEASE! 2 Nino movie! YAY! <3

he's appearing in movies, how i wish he will appear in dramas too, other than the SP. i super duper miss him in dramas. i miss him so so much that im watching Haikei again. oh that drama is so nice! Nino is so cute with that kinda short hairstyle. and acted alongside with him is Yoko from K8. funny and toot man in the drama.

and im also watching Gokusen 2. i think Gokusen 1 is still the best. i mean, 1st season is always the best, rite? coz of Gokusen, im loving Jun so so much! and i so much wanna watch the movie but no company. bahh! just coz the timing sucks, and Shuwen can't acc me and watch together. oh! i also wanna watch New Moon! i saw the trailer, and it's so nice! coz initially im not really interested coz Edward's appearance is very little. but but, the other guy, that werewolf, is so charming! haha! tho i still think his face is like alien. LOL! ok my bad! i shall see how.

i have a few plans. but none seem to be fulfilling. haha! outing with grp mates still not confirmed. no one seems to be planning for it or initiate it. im kinda lazy coz it's always me. haha! so i shall just wait.

i wanna sing k with my cousins! but but, donno leh. i chio-ed 2 person only, but now, the whole clan wanna tag along. hahahaha! see how lor.

more outings with Aisha. now that she has started lessons, she seemed busier, and hardly have time on weekdays. so only left with weekends. i though that i can go JB w her, but nah.. SG will do ne! haha!

my cousin planned to sleepover at my aunt's crib on the 23rd. i donno if i really wanna go. coz i will have no chance to Arashi. i donno, but i want! so lost!

and to think that i bother and care so much abt it, but, they just don't seem to bother me, rmb me, ask me. haiz. im quite disappointed. but im glad i still have people like YOU, YOU and YOU. you know who you are. i treasure YOU, YOU and YOU very very much.

ok, this is quite a long post. heh. wonder who will read my rants. til then, i shall Gokusen for one episode, then Arashi.

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