minutes to the end of 2009. minutes to new year 2010.
bye bye 2009. no regrets in 2009. ups and downs, that's inevitable in life right? i'm happy..
best of 2009~ i came to know about Arashi. and i love them loads!
worst of 2009~ yr 2 sem 1. sucks to the core!
i hope 2010 will be a good one. happy new year to all!
spending my last minutes of 2009, oh wells, what can i be doing? ARASHI!
HAPPY 2010 all!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
regardless of race, language or religion..
just so what happens to our national anthem and pledge? tsk tsk. case closed! people, or rather, i mean, Singaporeans, grow up.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
MSSL papa pics!
this was posted not long ago by LJ user called jesychan. oh i tell you, i love her. she's always very fast and updated, esp with mag scans.
i just love Nino. <3

gotta super love the last two pics. KYAA~

love that second last action. love that little bit of white shirt coming out.

i said before, now i said it again, i love his costume. i love Stylist-san for this. <3

that peace sign.
ne, i wish they provide BIGGER, higher resolution pics. ok, don't be greedy!
sorry to say this, but that Jin's not to my liking. ok, it's just me. no offense. she posted his papa pics too.
i just love Nino. <3

gotta super love the last two pics. KYAA~

love that second last action. love that little bit of white shirt coming out.

i said before, now i said it again, i love his costume. i love Stylist-san for this. <3

that peace sign.
ne, i wish they provide BIGGER, higher resolution pics. ok, don't be greedy!
sorry to say this, but that Jin's not to my liking. ok, it's just me. no offense. she posted his papa pics too.
like a chimney
i was reading with much interest about this post by this user in arashi_on LJ, about who in Arashi members. wah, it was such a heated discussion sia! and how they can sidetrack from smoking to lip-sync and beauty operation also. it just amusing.
ne, im the least disturbed by it. i mean, so what if they smoke? it's such a norm in japan la. right? speaking of that, Takuya smokes A LOT! SUPER! and i rmb what changhong said back then. as you know, smoking is so bad, it will deteriorate everything. but then, Takuya is still able to maintain eveything. because why? he smokes high-class ciggies. LOL!
you know how stressful life in Japan is. people are so obsessed with whatever they do, especially work. and they distress by smoking and drinking. i've witnessed this myself back in ML.
but yeah, i don't care whether or not they smoke, cause it's their life afterall, big and old enough to know what's right, wrong, good or bad for them. right?
some things that amused me so much when was reading. the conclusion, that the fans allegedly believe. that heavy smokers are Nino, since he started smoking from Jr. days. then, second in line, it's among Aiba, Jun and Ohno. and most said that Aiba and Nino smoked a lot back then. but Aiba stopped after he got that lung prob, but recently started to smoke again, but not so much. Jun was always caught by paparazzi smoking on the streets. Ohno, just smoked casually. Sho's clean. social smoker only. Nino's worst. labelled as chain smoker. haha! he smoked like a chimney. but some choose not to believe coz Nino's such a miser and cheapskate to waste money on ciggies, and what's more, he's always busy with games, and with only two hands, how to smoke. hahahahahaha!! i tell you, fans are crazy and have many wild ideas la! amazing!
so somehow, when they were talking about this, they talked about them lip-syncing. oh wells. nothing to say about this. my stand's clear.
then more ridiculous stuff. talked about them having some ops here and there. nothing to say. it's about Arashi, but dear Takuya was also talked about in the discussion.
i choose not to believe or even bother with it. all these are such small and trivial matters, that it doesn't make a difference to them. nor their popularity. or whatsover, because of the fact that that's the norm, that's the reality of life. they are, afterall, human, like all of us.
and i can't help but to post these pics. cause i find them too irresistible, as always. hehehe.. oh! NINO!

from Stand Up! beside him is Suzuki Anne. oh my! hw looked damn uncle here can? haha! but i like still! i rmb very very well what scene was this, clad in that uncle-lish t shirt. haha!

how about this? FAINT! i love to see Nino in baseball jerseys. so cute~

more.. AWWW~
despite the fact that smoking is bad for health, they do really make guys cool, rite? haha! don't tell me you don't believe in that? CHET!
anw, resumes sent. but i'm not harbouring any hope on it.
ne, im the least disturbed by it. i mean, so what if they smoke? it's such a norm in japan la. right? speaking of that, Takuya smokes A LOT! SUPER! and i rmb what changhong said back then. as you know, smoking is so bad, it will deteriorate everything. but then, Takuya is still able to maintain eveything. because why? he smokes high-class ciggies. LOL!
you know how stressful life in Japan is. people are so obsessed with whatever they do, especially work. and they distress by smoking and drinking. i've witnessed this myself back in ML.
but yeah, i don't care whether or not they smoke, cause it's their life afterall, big and old enough to know what's right, wrong, good or bad for them. right?
some things that amused me so much when was reading. the conclusion, that the fans allegedly believe. that heavy smokers are Nino, since he started smoking from Jr. days. then, second in line, it's among Aiba, Jun and Ohno. and most said that Aiba and Nino smoked a lot back then. but Aiba stopped after he got that lung prob, but recently started to smoke again, but not so much. Jun was always caught by paparazzi smoking on the streets. Ohno, just smoked casually. Sho's clean. social smoker only. Nino's worst. labelled as chain smoker. haha! he smoked like a chimney. but some choose not to believe coz Nino's such a miser and cheapskate to waste money on ciggies, and what's more, he's always busy with games, and with only two hands, how to smoke. hahahahahaha!! i tell you, fans are crazy and have many wild ideas la! amazing!
so somehow, when they were talking about this, they talked about them lip-syncing. oh wells. nothing to say about this. my stand's clear.
then more ridiculous stuff. talked about them having some ops here and there. nothing to say. it's about Arashi, but dear Takuya was also talked about in the discussion.
i choose not to believe or even bother with it. all these are such small and trivial matters, that it doesn't make a difference to them. nor their popularity. or whatsover, because of the fact that that's the norm, that's the reality of life. they are, afterall, human, like all of us.
and i can't help but to post these pics. cause i find them too irresistible, as always. hehehe.. oh! NINO!

from Stand Up! beside him is Suzuki Anne. oh my! hw looked damn uncle here can? haha! but i like still! i rmb very very well what scene was this, clad in that uncle-lish t shirt. haha!

how about this? FAINT! i love to see Nino in baseball jerseys. so cute~

more.. AWWW~
despite the fact that smoking is bad for health, they do really make guys cool, rite? haha! don't tell me you don't believe in that? CHET!
anw, resumes sent. but i'm not harbouring any hope on it.
actually, i'm quite happy with my results. coz i predicted that i will get a B for everything when i was spacing out in the noon. the only thing that saddens me the most is that damn B-. ahh! damn it man! but i'm ok now. just needa pluck up my courage to show my father later. i seriously need to work my ass off this coming semester not to get anymore B-. 3 B- is enough man, seriously. AHHHHH! damn B-. damn!!
and this semester is just going to be harder. but that doesn't mean i will cut down on fan-girling cause it has got nothing to do with it. it's just ME! work hard!! i needa keep up! only 3 more chances to get second upper!
and this semester is just going to be harder. but that doesn't mean i will cut down on fan-girling cause it has got nothing to do with it. it's just ME! work hard!! i needa keep up! only 3 more chances to get second upper!
time and again, but no use regretting.
bad! that B- sucks to the core. time and again, i always get B-. time and again, i wish my grades improved, but it never did now. time and again, i will always cry when i see my results. i wanna cry now. i don't know how to show my father. he may never say. but i know how he will feel. not a single A. i'd haven been happier if i don't get that B-. at least, i should be thankful that i passed all. just gotta work harder this coming sem. second upper, still damn far far far away. far from reach. :(
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
confidence.. NONE!
i seriously don't have the confidence for internship this time. i don't know. maybe because i had it all too easy way back then in poly. so what if i worked in ML before? it's all different now. no interview, interview failed, that's it. i will be thrown sent to some company, that will be provided by the school if all my applications to the big companies failed.
i have no confidence for interview. not any interview, but panel interview with tonnes of scary people. go through some psychometric tests and some other what-not tests. some even wants a CGPA of 4! mine i far from 4! WAILS! having to fight with the many tonnes of other interns who are far more zai than me.
all these are inevitable right? but i can't face it! i can't seem to face that that's the reality of it. i need some confidence. but i have the least bit of it. i don't know.
part of me wants to try and experience. part of me don't want to face it even. i don't know! i really don't know! this is madness, seriously.
all i need is just a bit of confidence. i wonder where i can pluck that courage and confidence from. i think i belittle myself too much. haizz. i don't know.
fyi, i've NEVER been to any interview before. the only interview i ever went was SMU. and yes, i screwed up. BAHH!!
i'm so stress. sheesh! but no use fretting right? just go and try right? it's so hard to convince myself. especially after reading all the requirements. they just scared me out of my wits. oh my. Allah, please give me some strength to go through all this. Amin.
i have no confidence for interview. not any interview, but panel interview with tonnes of scary people. go through some psychometric tests and some other what-not tests. some even wants a CGPA of 4! mine i far from 4! WAILS! having to fight with the many tonnes of other interns who are far more zai than me.
all these are inevitable right? but i can't face it! i can't seem to face that that's the reality of it. i need some confidence. but i have the least bit of it. i don't know.
part of me wants to try and experience. part of me don't want to face it even. i don't know! i really don't know! this is madness, seriously.
all i need is just a bit of confidence. i wonder where i can pluck that courage and confidence from. i think i belittle myself too much. haizz. i don't know.
fyi, i've NEVER been to any interview before. the only interview i ever went was SMU. and yes, i screwed up. BAHH!!
i'm so stress. sheesh! but no use fretting right? just go and try right? it's so hard to convince myself. especially after reading all the requirements. they just scared me out of my wits. oh my. Allah, please give me some strength to go through all this. Amin.
of moving stage, nakedness, and lots more
i was too tired ystd to on my lappy at night. but of course, i only slept at 6+ am. heh.
so mum safely reached home at 11.45 pm. coz the tour took the Tuas route, so there was no jam. i miss her so much! and you know what?? SHE'S GOING HOLIDAY AGAIN THIS WEEKEND!! coz there's a wedding in KL, so shun bian holiday and shop in KL. nah, i never follow coz my cousin's not following too. all those that will be going are the aunties. no company.
so, i will have a lonely loooong weekend again. bahh! im so not looking fwd to it though employees will enjoy it. what tough luck i had this year, both xmas and new year holidays are long, yet i'm lonely, stuck in my own world. so so sad! HENG AR i still have my sis. so maybe go sleepover at her house for a day. anw, i needa change my keitai too! so sis gotta accompany me. really, it's at the verge of dying. but but, i still donno what phone to buy. boo! so ma fan leh me! sheesh!
anw, just snippets of Arashi..

woohoo!! Nino hold the trophy for No. 1 DVD! haha! coz coz, i bought that!! aww~

anw, i spent my late noon ystd watching AAA in Dome. uwahh!!! ne, Johnny's cons never fail to amaze me and make me go WAHHHH! i will always have goosebumps watching their cons. when i see their, i mean, i'm referring to SMAP and Arashi. hehe. love lehh!!!
but, i wanna complain!! i wish Nino performed the full song for Himitsu! boo!! because his performance is so short, that's why i bough AAA in kokuritsu instead of AAA in Dome.
nonetheless, the concert is SUGOI!
sorry, but i only screencap Nino. hehe. oops!

performing Himitsu. i love this song coz it's cute and sweet.

FAINT! love it! he performed Himitsu too, but i forgot which con. one of the AAA.

like solo ehh. nice. one reason why i like Blue, coz Nino started off 1st in the song. NICE~

awww~ Best 3.. love!
yes, he just love to goof around the moving stage. i tell you, im scared out of my wits seeing them perform on the moving stage la! like, just one step, you can fall down! ok, maybe i'm just too paranoid. the revolution of moving stage, courtesy of Jun. :D

that smile, and peace. i just love him to bits and pieces. <3
and let me show you something! saw this ystd on arashi_on. OH MY!! the pics are so seductive and disturbing! lol!! commuters and passers-by will be disturbed by them laa! and there will jammed himan traffic coz they are ogling at it. hahaha! fainted leh! these are at the subways i think. cant cant wait for SAIGO NO YAKSOKU ne!!! jan 9!! wootz! im gg to watch it straightaway the moment the upload is up. doesn't matter if there's so sub.

love it!
ok, tmr's result. and i will be sending my resume tmr too. hope all will go well! lucks to me!
so mum safely reached home at 11.45 pm. coz the tour took the Tuas route, so there was no jam. i miss her so much! and you know what?? SHE'S GOING HOLIDAY AGAIN THIS WEEKEND!! coz there's a wedding in KL, so shun bian holiday and shop in KL. nah, i never follow coz my cousin's not following too. all those that will be going are the aunties. no company.
so, i will have a lonely loooong weekend again. bahh! im so not looking fwd to it though employees will enjoy it. what tough luck i had this year, both xmas and new year holidays are long, yet i'm lonely, stuck in my own world. so so sad! HENG AR i still have my sis. so maybe go sleepover at her house for a day. anw, i needa change my keitai too! so sis gotta accompany me. really, it's at the verge of dying. but but, i still donno what phone to buy. boo! so ma fan leh me! sheesh!
anw, just snippets of Arashi..

woohoo!! Nino hold the trophy for No. 1 DVD! haha! coz coz, i bought that!! aww~
anw, i spent my late noon ystd watching AAA in Dome. uwahh!!! ne, Johnny's cons never fail to amaze me and make me go WAHHHH! i will always have goosebumps watching their cons. when i see their, i mean, i'm referring to SMAP and Arashi. hehe. love lehh!!!
but, i wanna complain!! i wish Nino performed the full song for Himitsu! boo!! because his performance is so short, that's why i bough AAA in kokuritsu instead of AAA in Dome.
nonetheless, the concert is SUGOI!
sorry, but i only screencap Nino. hehe. oops!

performing Himitsu. i love this song coz it's cute and sweet.

FAINT! love it! he performed Himitsu too, but i forgot which con. one of the AAA.

like solo ehh. nice. one reason why i like Blue, coz Nino started off 1st in the song. NICE~

awww~ Best 3.. love!
yes, he just love to goof around the moving stage. i tell you, im scared out of my wits seeing them perform on the moving stage la! like, just one step, you can fall down! ok, maybe i'm just too paranoid. the revolution of moving stage, courtesy of Jun. :D

that smile, and peace. i just love him to bits and pieces. <3
and let me show you something! saw this ystd on arashi_on. OH MY!! the pics are so seductive and disturbing! lol!! commuters and passers-by will be disturbed by them laa! and there will jammed himan traffic coz they are ogling at it. hahaha! fainted leh! these are at the subways i think. cant cant wait for SAIGO NO YAKSOKU ne!!! jan 9!! wootz! im gg to watch it straightaway the moment the upload is up. doesn't matter if there's so sub.

love it!
ok, tmr's result. and i will be sending my resume tmr too. hope all will go well! lucks to me!
Monday, December 28, 2009
My SI <3
oh my!!! speechless. ehh, not really. cause as expected, he will win. needless to say. i don't care what people will say of the results. anw, i was just thinking, this SI is like Suria's Anugerah, but then, contestants sing English songs. haha! MANN, he's just awesome. true blue musician. i can safely say, and dare to say, that he's very different from the past two idols. he's unlike the last 2 idols. what's same though is they're guys, man. it's inevitable right, that idols will always be guys. you don't want guys to win, then don't let guys participate. period. haha! Alhamdulillah. that's all i can say. like Aisha said, prayers from Mom and Dad helped Sezairi too.
he's my true blue SI, cause i'm not really a fan of the past 2 idols. but i won't tell you who i supported for the past 2 idols. if you know, then ok lor. hahahaha!
his Virtual Insanity in insane! he's DA BOMB! his Crazy is CRAZY! he wore red & black like truth! his Touched by an Angel is touching! pure white! <3
i love Dick's comments.. thanks Dick!

he may not be so shuai, like Takuya and Nino, but who cares? haha! what matters, he deserve the title. that specs! KYAA~

SEZAIRI SEZALI. i'm proud of this boy. LOVE!
anw, he's my age!! KYAA~ i wanna date him! seriously!! LOL!
ok, now, back to Arashi.. listen to last Baystorm of the year. Nino's playing all Arashi's song, and end with Beautiful Days. Namida chorori~ hahahahaha!!
he's my true blue SI, cause i'm not really a fan of the past 2 idols. but i won't tell you who i supported for the past 2 idols. if you know, then ok lor. hahahaha!
his Virtual Insanity in insane! he's DA BOMB! his Crazy is CRAZY! he wore red & black like truth! his Touched by an Angel is touching! pure white! <3
i love Dick's comments.. thanks Dick!

he may not be so shuai, like Takuya and Nino, but who cares? haha! what matters, he deserve the title. that specs! KYAA~

SEZAIRI SEZALI. i'm proud of this boy. LOVE!
anw, he's my age!! KYAA~ i wanna date him! seriously!! LOL!
ok, now, back to Arashi.. listen to last Baystorm of the year. Nino's playing all Arashi's song, and end with Beautiful Days. Namida chorori~ hahahahaha!!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
SMAP wins hands down laaa!!! superb as always!! the same old brand new them. LOVE!
Takuya is the hottest living thing on earth. REALLY! there can only be one and only Takuya Kimura. <3

OH MY! they wore a different costume from performances! SOO SHUAI!

SMAP san!

Nakai's always with fedoras..



Kawaii~ Shingo's hair hardly black. haha!

somehow, Tsuyoshi's shrink? or is it he's short, just that i didn't realise? hmmm..

that SMAP t-shirt is nice!

performing Sotto Kyutoo <3 sorry, but takuya-centric here. hehe..

i love him singing like this!! full of expression, or rather, mouth expression.

that braid, that jambul! err, what do i call that in English? ahh, i donno! let's just call curry puff.


love these kinda dance steps.
SUPERSTAR★! oh my, surprisingly good, coz i don't really like. hehe. maybe, i just like Takuya's part. anw, cameraman-san somehow take very nice angles of SMAP. :) ureshii!

GREAT FAN-SERVICE from him! he did turn around to face the fans though.

nice ending. LOL!
ok, i shall watch again later. not enough. must repeat and internalise. hahaha!
Takuya is the hottest living thing on earth. REALLY! there can only be one and only Takuya Kimura. <3

OH MY! they wore a different costume from performances! SOO SHUAI!

SMAP san!

Nakai's always with fedoras..



Kawaii~ Shingo's hair hardly black. haha!

somehow, Tsuyoshi's shrink? or is it he's short, just that i didn't realise? hmmm..

that SMAP t-shirt is nice!

performing Sotto Kyutoo <3 sorry, but takuya-centric here. hehe..

i love him singing like this!! full of expression, or rather, mouth expression.

that braid, that jambul! err, what do i call that in English? ahh, i donno! let's just call curry puff.


love these kinda dance steps.
SUPERSTAR★! oh my, surprisingly good, coz i don't really like. hehe. maybe, i just like Takuya's part. anw, cameraman-san somehow take very nice angles of SMAP. :) ureshii!

GREAT FAN-SERVICE from him! he did turn around to face the fans though.

nice ending. LOL!
ok, i shall watch again later. not enough. must repeat and internalise. hahaha!
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