Wednesday, January 27, 2010

with only 24 hours

now im feeling just like what Shuwen is feeling. too tired to blog. slept for solid 10hrs. yes. that's just how dead beat i am. with only 14 hours a day, half of the time or more will be spent on school. bahh! work's slowly piling up. i seriously hope i go through yet another ordeal. Insya-Allah.. please give me strength to do so..

anw, aiyo! how can i ever stop fangirling? during break time ystd, i went to Canopy, and there was Japanese Cultural Festival! i fgt all about it despite the posters and emails i received about it. (im too preoccupied with so many stuff. that's why!) then! my all time fav single of Arashi was played!! KYAAAA~ yes! Step and Go!! and poor, innocent Teck Wei got badly beaten by me coz i was too excited. EUPHORIC! haha! gosh! then, Loveless was played! then, i donno liao what was played. haha! browse around, and there was this shop which sells JE stuff! and some manga n all sorts. ogle at them, though she has more KT stuff as she's a KT fan. and she said no straightaway when i asked her if she likes Arashi. LOL! and yes, threw spent 1.50$ on Nino's JE pics.. my debut JE pic.. when he soo young back then.. LOVE!

JAAANG~ my bookmark for my planner.. this will motivate me to complete all the things i list in my planner.. hahahaah! how cute! love that streaks of highlighted hair.. <3

monday was spent going West Coast with Sha and Ain.. <3 i just love this company so so much. dinner at West Coast food centre, lepak at West Coast Park. i can't ask for more dearies.. <3

til we meet again! next Sat hopefully!

and yes! VS Arashi SP! oh mann! this has got to be the best SP ever laaa! love Neptune Team! love Code Blue team! and yes! i needa watch Code Blue sooon! Nino didnt play many games though. just simple simple ones that don't require much energy. guess it was due to his back and health.. rest well Nino!

ok, my screencaps are more like VS Nino.. hahha!

AWWW~ what a huggies! HUGS HUGS! kyaa~

my OHMIYA <3

he was against his sister, Toda Erika.. i thought they kinda look a like in one way or another.. esp the teeth. hahaha!


poor Nino..

ya, he didnt manage a double catch..

i love his many many expressions. you know that right? <3

another madness..

he was so cute with that necklace given by his father's employees/colleagues..

soo cute! Kaa-chan, miteru yo! what a mummy's boy!


YAY! a good start to VS on a brand new year!

a long post ne! hehe...

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