Sunday, January 03, 2010

coolest ever NINO!

i was watching AAA Thailand-Taiwan-Korea. and oh my!! damn nice can? and they showed digest of ARASHIC in Yokohama Arena. MAN! win hands down! i'm loving it! ARASHIC album is nice to start with. i love the songs. and then, when i see them perform, wah! more love! and yes! i just have to screencap them!

performing JAM. though this is not from ARASHIC. just love it. they're are so so cool, Nino especially. seriously, i've never seen Nino THIS COOOL! what's more, JAM started off with Nino
singing. all the more it's love!

KYAAA~ i simply adore fedoras! see! damn cool rite? i thought only Sho looks cool in those. hehe.. but Nino too. Nino >>>> Sho. sorry. haha!

reminds me of Takuya's Style from Super Modern Artistic Performance too. <3

performing Ohno's Ready to Fly. KYAA~ special action from Ohno to Nino killed me! soo much rabu rabu!

SEE!!! died-ed!

Nino singing his solo..

oh love that! looked so pro!

this is Jun's solo. Nino and electric guitar is love!

Matsumiya <3

ok, MU sucks tonight. i wanna watch the Seouls digest coz ehem. i wanna see the smoking part! baah!! it's taking ages.

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