Saturday, January 16, 2010

Aiba's family restaurant~

calpis37 is sure damn one lucky girl! 1st, she got acknowledged by Nino when she attended the 5 x 10 at Tokyo Dome. then now, she went to Aiba's family restaurant! so she was the last few customers, and hence the chance to snap here & there in the restaurant. how COOL can that be? i also wanna go! though i can't eat! haha! it has got such a nice ambience! she posted loads of pics tho. but i just take the more important ones for my memory sake..

not that i know how to read, but in her LJ, she did say the name of the restaurant. Keikarou..

coz she was last the customer, it was already empty.

cashier and the stairways to his house. hahaha!

and she said that thinks she saw AIBA! but cant really confirm as he was in mask n hats. but she thinks he is coz it was on the 23rd dec, the day b4 Aiba's bday. ne, i donno. LOL!

ok, i wanna watch my Saigo for the 3rd time, and this time, it's subbed! :DD

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