Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Suria is still remembered :)

day two of school started and ended well. Alhamdulillah. why did it start well? coz i met Desmond at the bus stop on the way to school :DDD when i saw him, i said "U're the MAN!" haha! yes, that chan u show. haha! then chatted a while, then he dropped off first.

accounting lecture is always fun. the lecturers are fun people. funny, sometimes lame, a joker. haha! but ne, accounting is really really tough. i have to reopen all my notes to recall what i learnt 2 semesters ago.

oh! and i finally bot myself a planner! yay! nice and cheap! that shall be utilised to the max, filled with Arashi and sch stuff. just so that i won't miss out anything. TIME TO GET ORGANIZED!

and a while ago, chatted with Kak Linda to talk about her wedding pics. AND! dear Clarence also chatted with me! aww! hehe. i will always be happy to chat with im. afterall, he sat behind me in class. so we are quite close. i was touched by his conversation!

Clarence™ My girlfriend stil loves me. ( : 사랑해요 YM: ALOT of LOLLIPOP. I misss my baby. FUCK SIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:

*STYLE* ニノ♥ says:

Clarence™ My girlfriend stil loves me. ( : 사랑해요 YM: ALOT of LOLLIPOP. I misss my baby. FUCK SIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:
after fasting alr u nv get back to me!

*STYLE* ニノ♥ says:
outing ar? aiya, i shy to organize laa
i scared ppl nvr reply
then i cry

Clarence™ My girlfriend stil loves me. ( : 사랑해요 YM: ALOT of LOLLIPOP. I misss my baby. FUCK SIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:
k la
no need so big scale la
come out dinner? with me vard?

*STYLE* ニノ♥ says:
hha. can

Clarence™ My girlfriend stil loves me. ( : 사랑해요 YM: ALOT of LOLLIPOP. I misss my baby. FUCK SIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:
91082377 ah?

*STYLE* ニノ♥ says:
im also like u, loyal to one number.

Clarence™ My girlfriend stil loves me. ( : 사랑해요 YM: ALOT of LOLLIPOP. I misss my baby. FUCK SIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:
Hahaha! thanks ah

pardon him for that big F word. LOL! aww~ he always jokingly call me suria.. he still keeps my no. i still keep his too. hehe.. nah, fren fren ne.. so, im looking fwd to his sms! haha! vard also sat behind me in class. memories. one of the best time of my life is sec sch life. im glad im still being remembered, unlike some people. who eat chili, will taste the hotness. haha!

anw, this pic is random. it's very nice to see my twitter page full of Nino rather than the usual one. hehe.

ok, time to bathe and sleep! another 4 hours seminar to conquer tmr!

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