Monday, January 11, 2010

it's the second semester, finally..

ahh, finally, hols are coming to an end. and i was looking forward to school a while ago last week, but now, i feel all weak to go back to school. i donno. maybe i should be a little bit more optimistic and have more confidence.

so just now was the add/drop period. i was trying my luck to add Arts electives, but to no avail, and was so dejected that i almost give up. but somehow, unexpectedly, it was added. and i was like YES LAAA! Alhamdulillah.. though it was not my 1st choice coz the timing kinda sucks. but oh wells. not easy to get anyway. so just bear with it.

and am hesitating whether to drop Employment Law. anything law is tough right? sheesh! i donno. see how..

so this sem, i will have 3 core and 2 electives. it's going to be tough. so many things and projects to do. ne, i'd rather have exams than projects seriously. oh wells.

so, tmr, i will kick off my 1st day in sch. minda ya, it's 0830 to 1930! bahh! almost 12 hrs on my 1st day. how baddd is that? with 4 hours as break. i was thinking what i should do. maybe watch drama? haha! see how. maybe i bring my laptop ne. haha! i mean, don't tell me you ask me to study? it's only the 1st week!

then, i still needa buy textbooks. bahh! hate it! textbooks are such a waste of money, but i have no choice you see. i just need it. bahh!

what else ehh?

oh ya! this is what i must maintain for this sem!

1. Sleep EARLY unless have projects and tutorials to do which require me to sleep late.
2. Don't DOZE OFF in class and lecture!
3. SAVE money, don't spend unnecessarily.
4. EXERCISE for goodness sake! ive not been running!
5. EAT healthily. yes, when school starts, my diet will worsen.

yup, MAINTAIN this please Indahsuria!

i've set my ipod playlist, set to Arashi's latest 2 songs, and Nino's Baystorm, plus Empire State of Mind and Airi's Touched by an Angel. that shall last me til 1930 hours. haha!

SCHOOL. HERE I COME! ONEGAISHIMASU! please bear with me and be kind with me. to me, please work extra hard, doubly, no, triply hard!

そう 1 2 3 4 5 走る 今日も 

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