when i found out that it was orange, i can't figure out why.
but now i know!!! it was because they followed the colours back then 10 years ago from SUPPIN! ahh! surprising rite?? YA LAA! shock cann?
now, that is very nice right? bring back old memories from 10 years ago and reminisce it. that's where they all begin..
AWW~ i think it is very sweet and make sense now. im even more touched. kudos to those who realise that. MAN! and i should have watched SUPPIN earlier instead of letting it rot in my drive. oops!
ok, so now change plan! instead of watching Iza Now, i shall watch SUPPIN first! just nice, to end off their 5 x 10 con, i will be watching their concert from 10 yrs ago. YAY!

from arashinino. vox. now i know! and i must rmb!
Ohno- Blue (he doesn't change colour! coz he's RIDA!)
Sho- Yellow (ah, now Nino takes that colour. hehe..)
Aiba- Orange (now green)
Nino-Green (Aiba's colour now)
Jun- Pink (nearest to red, so now it's Sho's)
now, BONUS QUESTION! did i get the right colour?? HELL NOOOOO!!!!!! i got PINK!!!! AHHH! and pink is JUN's!!! ahh! no no, i seriously have nothing against Jun, but just that, why JUN??? haha! i wouldn't mind if it's others. when i got to know that Tokyo Dome was pink, i was happy coz that got to be Sho's colour rite? but now, NOOOO!
BY RIGHT, i should get GREEEN! ahh! green was Fukuoka Dome! now, i seriously feel like sourcing for it laa! madness!

there goes my ichiban's colour. oh wells. nonetheless, whatever colour it is, it's still Arashi right?
talking about the last moments of the concert, and tmr being the last day.. im finally putting up my poster which has been in my cupboard for sometime now. i donno how else to straighten the poster with utmost care.

it will be put up later.. YAY! hope mum won't scream. oops!
oh! finally, Sora Takaku in FULL HQ! :DDDD been listening to it the whole time now. okok, time to bathe! and SUPPIN!
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