Sunday, January 17, 2010

early morn for my room <3

on my lappy just to update my ipod with full HQ Sora Takaku coz i forgot to do so ystd. then shun bian update my blog. YAY! my room is all clean and nice and is so NINO!! love love!!

woke up at 0840 or so, and started to clean. and mum was like "why are you awake so early?" my reply was "why? cannot?" haha! she knows sunday is my sleep-in day and will only wake up at 11.. but somehow, despite the short hours of sleep of 4 hrs, i still can wake up so early. so i hope i can stay awake to prepare my seminars. eyes, pls be co-operative.

pics pics of my ROOM! my heaven! the place where i can just stay in for days and weeks! i love my room. do you love your room?

JAAANG! love love!! so clean and neat.. oops! self-praise. i will always dust and clean this area. yes, it's true. anw, i cant think of any other place to hang my poster. SOOO BIG! im glad mum didnt shout or comment anything. hehe..

my room from the door. new curtain! <3 and my sofabed.. and of course my lappy of almost 5 yrs. i nvr really use my study table to study. i study on my sofabed. more comfy.

from another angle. i love my tv console. if i have Wii, that will be perfect. hehe. where i get my doses of dramas on tv and watching DVDs. <3

ok, time to tv a bit more, bathe and study! and at night, shall be Iza, Now! and more updates from Arashi's last concert!

oh! Sho's drama will be aired tonight! weee!

it's Sho month now! so, my blog layout will change soon for Sho's month. :DD

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