Friday, January 01, 2010

Magical Kohaku

Kohaku's nice.. only managed to watch Arashi's performance and SMAP's MJ.. i think it's a tribute? anyways..

Arashi presents A. A for Anniversary.. Arashi intro-ed TOKIO. read the trans. what a cute kouhai and senpai..

and at the end of their performance while talking, there's a guy fan who shouted something to Arashi. oh my! how sweet. i was like AWWW~ if i hear correctly, he said, 'Arashi kohaku arigatou?' doesn't sound correct or make sense. but.. that's what i hear. haha! coming from a guy, im proud and happy.. :D

credits of screencaps by yamakaze LJ and arashinino.vox..

my favs!! SMAP looked so smart in the middle. <3 arashi's there too!

singing uta no chikara.. hmm..

the medley!!! A.RA.SHI, Love so Sweet, Happiness and Believe..

i simply love the background. so colourful heart shape.. singing Love So Sweet~

Ohno.. so nice against that BG..

his hair's getting longer and longer! pls cut soon, when you're free-er. or is it coz of the styling?


aiyooo~ soo soo cuuuteeee!

Sho <3

i love Jun's currypuff hair <3


i tell you!! i donno how they manage to change within split seconds from that red outfit to this behind the smoke! nino's magic was in place? haha! that's wat fans assume but of course not true la.. they're so imaginative. lol! i still can't figure out.

damn nice. the 5 AMNOS colours.. <3

i love the choreo..

the turns and twirls.. Nino's butt not obvious here. hehe..

shall watch again when HQ's up. meanwhile, watch it streaming! love love!! :D

i end 2009 and start 2010 with Arashi.. :)

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