at the filming site. oh man! they really looked like father and daughter. *melt* so cuddly..



FREAKING ADORABLE! i want a daughter like her too. hehe..

but of course, if me, i'd cry too. 4 months are long enough for such affection and attachment ne.

and the show surprised Aiba with Momoka-chan's tegami. AWW~ see! so cute!

even her drawings melt me.
she said in the letter whenever she goes to school, she will greet his poster. and that she wanted to say good morning and hug him again~. OH MANN! melt! faint! she also thanked him and wished him goodluck. AWW~ both Aiba and Momoka are lucky to act with each other. Aiba's so touched indefinitely. and she addressed him as Masaki nii-nii. AWWW~ how cute laa!
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