Sunday, January 03, 2010

Johnny's Countdown 2009-2010

Johnny's Countdown 2009-2010 is amazing. love! it's really an eye-opener for me too see all the other JE members. but but, i kinda prefer older groups. maybe because i know them. as in i know them coz back then they're popular here in SG and widely publicise, saw their dramas. not much of songs, just happen to hear them here and there. just that, i donno Johnny. but anw, it's really nice to see the big Johnny family. ne, all but thanks to the man himself, if not for him, there won't be all these marvellous boys and men, rite? YOU, thanks very much! LOL!

a lot of cute moments. Shuwen shared some stuff about JE. so i know more and more about them. good! :D

Arashi's MC is nice. ok i'm just bias here. i will take note who intro who. so i listened very attentively and carefully. anw, Sho's a very season MC. love him mc-ing. VERY GOOD!

and and, i wish, for once, just once, SMAP will attend. hmmm.. so complicated.

let the pic do the talking..

It's a brand new world! Sho's too tired to rap. that tight pants. haha! yes, they're fresh from Kouhaku, all the way to Dome.

Nino's panting here, and trying to hide or minimise it. aiyo, Aiba's hair's like LION!

Nino cute!

all the JE groups singing their debut song. so cute!

MC again, the two of them! <3

because i know the story or the closeness between Jun and Jin, hence the screencap. how cute~ super ultra love Jun's pompadour hair. LOVE!

oh sorry. nino-fied here.

Cameraman-san zoomed in for me. <3

then the cross-singing. Arashi sang K8 and vice versa. ULTIMATE CUTENESS!



ok la, not as cute as K8..

the only nice group shot i can take.

signature action of Sho's.

this is what we call adorkable. hehe..

only they are capable of doing that. haha! you can't imagine singing a sweet love song One Love in that rangers costume. LOLOLOLOL!

oh. sorry. bias again. haha! wanna show the setting of Osaka Dome.

bias again and again. hehe. just nice, Sho and Ryo. love love. Arashi was watching them intently and follow them dance.. <3

hmm.. Nino x Yamapi. i don't like Yamapi's hair though. flat flat.

Yama pair <3



i felt so relieved now, being able to dl, and watched. haha! but of course. this is a must watch, right?

im so tired sitting in front of the PC.

and anw, i can't wait for tmr night to come. awaiting for mum's arrival from KL. MAK, i so much miss you!

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