Sunday, January 31, 2010

please listen to me..

i just wanna rant. be in my position, and you know how pissed i am and how angry i can get. don't try me. don't test me. i was damn sad and utterly disappointed. at that point of time, i just felt like Q&Y*%@*@^%%@*()*. small thing, NO! unreasonable? THE LEAST BIT! there so many idiots out there who are so much f*ing pain in the ass and unreasonable over the f*ing slightest thing on MOTHER EARTH??? don't know anything, don't say anything. i don't give a damn and care two hoots who you are. angry means angry. my heart felt so heavy seriously. but.... haizzz... i wish someone out there just understand it. damn it. i seriously needa rant this out to SOMEONE. like seriously. i just hate to admit it's my mistake. i'm being a bit too egotistical here. you think i'm bad? think twice. i can be very nice if you're nice, kind and reasonable to me. enough said and done, fair enough! DAMN SHITTY!

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