Monday, January 18, 2010

Sho-cking! SCREAM!

ahh! i wanna scream!

Troublemaker is so damn freaking nice!! it's so upbeat and really has the troublemaker feeling!!

they sang at the last concert ystd!! and i read that the choreo for it was good!! PV for this pls!! or if not, for Sora Takaku! can't wait for the single!

and GACKT sent them flowers at the concert. aww~ how sweet! <3

MC for the con ystd was hilarious! baka Aiba slept along the corridor all coz he was drunk and dreamt that he was in his room at his hometown Chiba. haha!

Nino went for a massage! and he said that in Ooku, there was a love scene with Kou Shibasaki-san!! CRY! and he said that he showed his BEAUTY body too! LOL! and said that he has six-packs! hahaha! but of course he doesn't have laa! and the audience burst out laughing for that! yes! i read, he showed the audience!

KYAA~ i wanna watch that! the movie too! but i doubt it will be shown here in SG..

oh! Sho appears nude in An-An!!

hahaha!!! i wanna laugh! maybe it's just me. his pose is like trying to hide his sloping shoulders. hahahaah! but yea, he has a nice built. among Arashi.. at least to me.

pics will be in underwear la, shirtless la, half-body or til ass i donno. hahahah! this is going to be Sho-cking! LOL!

ok, needa watch tv and ctinue with readings. and sleep early for Trevor's class! :D

oh! and i jogged! YAY! must keep up with that yaa! :)

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