Saturday, January 09, 2010

today is THE DAY!

ahh! what a nice saturday!!! spent ard 3 hrs finishing Ryusei. love as always. never sick of it. i've watched this for the umpteen times.

when i logged on to arashi_on LJ, so many updates! from j-web messages, to all the rips and HQ mp3 of Sora Takaku and Yurase Ima Wo. ahh! i love Sora Takaku >>> than Yurase Ima Wo. hahaha! but yes! simply love both no doubt!

must tweet a lor at 8pm later to make #arashi the trending topic. i've unlocked my tweets. damn enthu i know. i wanna make sure it's trending!

a while more will be going to Jurong Point with mum. hopefully can get the blender that mum wants.

anw, it's scorching hot i super can't tahan!

now, because it's SP today, i shall change watever pics and wallpapers to NAKED ARASHI. hahahaha! :DDD

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