Sunday, January 10, 2010


oh people!! this has got to be the best SP i've ever watch. seriously. it's really Arashi. a lot of message. you can feel what they're trying to convey. even without subs, i can somehow understand. it's really a SUSPENSE drama. best suspense ever. not because it's Arashi. but as you watch, you seriously donno what's going to come up. you didn't expect it to be as such. it's really thrilling i should say.

all i can say is this.


i would say that it's surprising and shocking coz i thot that the 5 of them are unrelated to each other. but hell no!! it was so shocking! love that! so full of suspense and surprises!

yes, a feeling of a decade of being together. you can feel the closeness and bond among the 5 of them. i teared, not because it's sad, but the drama itself says it. the closeness, the bond, this is Arashi. and the fact that they have come this far, after going through ups and downs together, and so successful now, blessed with everything good that they have never ever dream of, think of, or even achieve of. and the song is a perfect ending to the drama, a perfect start to their 11th year.

i can never not screencap, right?

even the opening is superb laa! NAKED ARASHI! who doesn't love that right? love to the MAX!

love the effect..

sorry, bias here. do for Nino. hehe.. and how they transit from one member to another..

then the story started, with each of them appearing one after another.

Ohno cleaner. this is so funny! his colleague, that old man, sang CARNIVAL NIGHT as S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y night instead. hahaha! SO CUTE!

Cool Biker Jun..

Salesman Sho.. love that specs laa!

Cafe waiter Aiba.. he's so GREEN.. his colour.. hehe..

Security personnel Nino..

ahh, i love her. she's pretty. i want my hair to be like her ne.. hehe..

Nino's many many faces.. LOVE!

and yes! the terror starts from here!

the stressed Sho who wanted to exit the building, but the door is not working!

Aiba is so damn pitiful, all alone trapped in the toilet..

they're trying to escape..

ahh! love the doctor from 1 litre. hehe. i'm glad Nino acted with him. :)

yes! this is it!

ahh! i thought he really died!!!

and the truth is revealed!

who would have thought that they themselves were the one who terrorised the whole building???

Nino pretended to be one of the victim..

Arashi and that big big weapon.

and this was all planned.

Ohno set up the bomb..

entered the building by pretending to sell insurance. (i think)

the biker who followed the president's daughter..

mastermind so called.

Nino played such a big role here. taking care and monitoring. ahh.. im happy for him. hehe.. though he was kinda quiet and didn't really talk much.

i simply love his eyes.. his gaze. *melt*

all settled..

time to escape! this part in the duct is so damn cute..

subtle Ohmiya..

ahh! guys who adjust specs like that are FAINT!

Jun x Aiba..



molesting as expected of Rida.. haha!

*pat pat..* love!


it's not bomb they setup, but fireworks..

their lost buddy..



simply L-O-V-E!




and yes! from here, I TEARED! Sora Takaku came out beautifully. i'm glad i didn't here the song ystd. coz it was really SURPRISING AND DAMN FREAKING NICE! ahhh!

そう 1 2 3 4 5 消えぬ涙心に

i just love Arashi more than any other idols. yes, even SMAP is now 2nd. sorry. but i hate to admit this. but this is it. *guilty*

ok, ive been in front of the pc for soo long. time for it to rest, have my dinner, watch my hk drama, and i shall rpt this drama later. yes, like Nino said, watch not once, but twice, or thrice! :DD <3

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