Tuesday, January 12, 2010

survived day 1

i survived the first day of 4 hrs seminar and later followed by 3 hrs lecture. MANN! i thought i was going to be all alone in the lecture! but Teck Wei saw me! YAY! so i have a company! cheers to Teck Wei! ne, im so happy to see him and be in the same lecture as him again. though this time thr's no grp proj or whatsoever, but just going to the lecture with him is good enough! at least, i won't be lonely and maybe even doze off! haha!

tiring though. but tmr is only 2 hrs acctg lecture. not much, it's just 1st week, so i'll take it nice and slow for a moment.

chocolates from Prof Trevor! :DDDD <3

now, time to bathe, eat and later i will watch AnS. too adorable to wait any longer! oh, let me just finish watching my 9pm drama 1st. heh.. and oh man! 2 days missed my 7pm k drama!

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