Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Tawara Ippei x2

i've finally finished watching Haikei Chichiue-sama for the 2nd time. i think people might say that the drama is boring. but if you're a fan of Nino, and you don't mind the not so popular kinda genre and storyline, coz the storyline is not like some love story, or funny or manga-like or those kinda genre that is most liked by people, then you would appreciate this kinda story. of course, i love it. trust me, it's not because of Nino. haha! really! i prefer this drama of his that the one he acted with Masami in Yasashii Jikan. i don't really like that and will never repeat it. haha! Nino is so much love to the maximum. i love TAWARA IPPEI very very much. <3

im also repeating Ryusei. haha! yes, you can imagine how many dramas im watching at one go. but i watch that on dvd. when i nvr on lappy, that's what i'll watch. and im going to start on Taiyo-sensei. YAY! and just nice, i will be able to watch SP drama, and all the new dramas this mth. weee~

how can i not screencap? :D

Yasashii naaa..~~~


Yasashii naaaa... part II..


i love this expression. LOADS!

don't you think that's adorable? SUPER!


i would also do that!

the end~~

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