Sunday, January 31, 2010

please listen to me..

i just wanna rant. be in my position, and you know how pissed i am and how angry i can get. don't try me. don't test me. i was damn sad and utterly disappointed. at that point of time, i just felt like Q&Y*%@*@^%%@*()*. small thing, NO! unreasonable? THE LEAST BIT! there so many idiots out there who are so much f*ing pain in the ass and unreasonable over the f*ing slightest thing on MOTHER EARTH??? don't know anything, don't say anything. i don't give a damn and care two hoots who you are. angry means angry. my heart felt so heavy seriously. but.... haizzz... i wish someone out there just understand it. damn it. i seriously needa rant this out to SOMEONE. like seriously. i just hate to admit it's my mistake. i'm being a bit too egotistical here. you think i'm bad? think twice. i can be very nice if you're nice, kind and reasonable to me. enough said and done, fair enough! DAMN SHITTY!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

UPP, and now, SUPER DOWN!

and when i was so excited about it this morning and screamed to Shuwen about it..

キラキラ(ピンク色)Troublemaker [Limited Edition] will include 2 tracks with "Troublemaker" & "Yurase Ima wo" and will feature Bonus DVD of "Troublemaker" ~

but my wish to buy that was dash! just like that! im speechless! i wanan cry my hearts out! (ok la, a bit too exaggerating.) AHHHHHHHH!! NANDE?? WHY??? WEI SHEN ME??? MENGAPA???

the news was just up this morning! im serious! and now! SOLD OUT!!! CRYYYY!

ok, hopefully, there'll be a re-stock or something.. CRYYY!

totally mood-less to do anything but i have to do things! loads!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

with only 24 hours

now im feeling just like what Shuwen is feeling. too tired to blog. slept for solid 10hrs. yes. that's just how dead beat i am. with only 14 hours a day, half of the time or more will be spent on school. bahh! work's slowly piling up. i seriously hope i go through yet another ordeal. Insya-Allah.. please give me strength to do so..

anw, aiyo! how can i ever stop fangirling? during break time ystd, i went to Canopy, and there was Japanese Cultural Festival! i fgt all about it despite the posters and emails i received about it. (im too preoccupied with so many stuff. that's why!) then! my all time fav single of Arashi was played!! KYAAAA~ yes! Step and Go!! and poor, innocent Teck Wei got badly beaten by me coz i was too excited. EUPHORIC! haha! gosh! then, Loveless was played! then, i donno liao what was played. haha! browse around, and there was this shop which sells JE stuff! and some manga n all sorts. ogle at them, though she has more KT stuff as she's a KT fan. and she said no straightaway when i asked her if she likes Arashi. LOL! and yes, threw spent 1.50$ on Nino's JE pics.. my debut JE pic.. when he soo young back then.. LOVE!

JAAANG~ my bookmark for my planner.. this will motivate me to complete all the things i list in my planner.. hahahaah! how cute! love that streaks of highlighted hair.. <3

monday was spent going West Coast with Sha and Ain.. <3 i just love this company so so much. dinner at West Coast food centre, lepak at West Coast Park. i can't ask for more dearies.. <3

til we meet again! next Sat hopefully!

and yes! VS Arashi SP! oh mann! this has got to be the best SP ever laaa! love Neptune Team! love Code Blue team! and yes! i needa watch Code Blue sooon! Nino didnt play many games though. just simple simple ones that don't require much energy. guess it was due to his back and health.. rest well Nino!

ok, my screencaps are more like VS Nino.. hahha!

AWWW~ what a huggies! HUGS HUGS! kyaa~

my OHMIYA <3

he was against his sister, Toda Erika.. i thought they kinda look a like in one way or another.. esp the teeth. hahaha!


poor Nino..

ya, he didnt manage a double catch..

i love his many many expressions. you know that right? <3

another madness..

he was so cute with that necklace given by his father's employees/colleagues..

soo cute! Kaa-chan, miteru yo! what a mummy's boy!


YAY! a good start to VS on a brand new year!

a long post ne! hehe...

Monday, January 25, 2010

more Gantz!

Yuriko Yoshitaka as heroine of Gantz!! ok, i don't know her. haha. but she's young! mann! this girl is just damn lucky to act with Nino can? and and, Nino's aging! haha.. nice screencaps from yamakaze 067 LJ..

can't wait to watch the news! these screencaps are so damn darn cute!

this is cute!

Y: I can’t wait to see you in Gantz suit.
N: You’ll fall in love with me! Seriously!

but of course!!!! haha! i will always fall in love with him!

soo cute laa!

i love Nino!!

AWWW~ love Nino's hamburger fingers!



Aww~ my ideal kinda hubby who can cook... <3 ahh, but can he? LOL! he's the dame, remember? LOLOL!

yes, it's Sho's month. his drama and his news casting for Vancouver Olympic. so my blog is very Sho. very red. even the song is Troublemaker, the theme song for his drama. it will be like this for some time. if i'm sick of it, or just simply miss Nino, i will change. haha!

Sunday, January 24, 2010


school exhaust me a lot. hence the lesser updates. as much as i wanna scream and shout, even the trivial trivial matters, i don't have the energy to.

nonetheless, something to scream about. 4th song from Arashi as mentioned by Jun in his Junstyle.. YAYNESS! must save save!

and i ought to be shot! how come i never see this CM before? or i did see but i forgot? Nino's Ooku CM!

2009 october 1!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

at least this please!

nothing much. before i sleep..


please, at least show this in SG if no Ooku.. at least, people know who is Kenichi.. if not Nino. those who donno Nino ought to be shot


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

if i saw you in heaven..

after a LOOOOOONG wait. yes, super long. i think at least 4-5 mths? FINALLY!

Nonogami Junichi is so so so much love! at least, now, me missing him in dramas has subside a bit. hehe. touching story. love it so much.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Nino, NINO!

spamming my blog with NINO! pics from Nagoya Dome 5 x 10 last con.. thanks to arashinino.vox..

HOW CUTE LAA! OMG! FAINTED! he's the cutest thing on earth can?

he's so so so much <3

who doesn't love this pair? <3

and ive seen this pic lying around for some time, and time to upload specially.. off-shot pics for Johnny's countdown.. thanks to shokim..

<3 style="font-style: italic;">(my fav line now)


Shiro & Jiro..

ok, tuesdays are really tiring. i can't help but doze off for my 2nd lecture. SUPER ZZZ! and now, im a bit tired also. though i have class only at 1430, but i will still sleep early. i wanna be a morning person now. so tmr 6+, i will wake up and prepare my lecture for 1430 and seminar for thur.

OH! i received hello panda from TREVOR! i heart TREVOR too! ne, im so generous with my love. LOL!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sho-cking! SCREAM!

ahh! i wanna scream!

Troublemaker is so damn freaking nice!! it's so upbeat and really has the troublemaker feeling!!

they sang at the last concert ystd!! and i read that the choreo for it was good!! PV for this pls!! or if not, for Sora Takaku! can't wait for the single!

and GACKT sent them flowers at the concert. aww~ how sweet! <3

MC for the con ystd was hilarious! baka Aiba slept along the corridor all coz he was drunk and dreamt that he was in his room at his hometown Chiba. haha!

Nino went for a massage! and he said that in Ooku, there was a love scene with Kou Shibasaki-san!! CRY! and he said that he showed his BEAUTY body too! LOL! and said that he has six-packs! hahaha! but of course he doesn't have laa! and the audience burst out laughing for that! yes! i read, he showed the audience!

KYAA~ i wanna watch that! the movie too! but i doubt it will be shown here in SG..

oh! Sho appears nude in An-An!!

hahaha!!! i wanna laugh! maybe it's just me. his pose is like trying to hide his sloping shoulders. hahahaah! but yea, he has a nice built. among Arashi.. at least to me.

pics will be in underwear la, shirtless la, half-body or til ass i donno. hahahah! this is going to be Sho-cking! LOL!

ok, needa watch tv and ctinue with readings. and sleep early for Trevor's class! :D

oh! and i jogged! YAY! must keep up with that yaa! :)

why am i ranting at this hour?

i should be asleep about an hour ago but here i am still here. i donno why. stubborn me just don wanna sleep yet. this is the problem when you know you don't have a class on monday, and take the opportunity to sleep late. nonetheless, i will wake up early as usual and prepare for tue's seminar. yes, i will mark my word. hehe.

you know, suddenly, i'm starting to feel like Shuwen, who doesn't like to facebook. not that i don't like, but it's just that i hv so many contacts in the FB that im not interested in. you get what i mean? i have so many ppl in my FB, but i can say only 0.1% of them are those that im interested in and wanna keep in touch and know about them. and this is only those close friends, whether you're from pri, sec, poly or uni. even if we're just mere acquaintance, or get to know each other just for a while and then add, i think it's useless. and yes, i don't add ppl. most of them are they who added me. and yes, i've been accepting them blindly, but now, if i don wanna keep in touch with you, i will just reject you. i think i will not login to FB anymore unless i rcv notifications related to me.

similar to tweeter. i donno why would ppl wanna follow me? WHY!?!?!? and like hello, we were just like passing each other. if those advertisers are different thing. but of course, those ppl whom i barely know but know a bit choose to follow me, then follow. you will get sick of tweets and somehow leave me alone. haha. am i right to say this? and yes, i also can't be bothered to follow ppl. so i hv so little following me and me following people. BUT OF COURSE! ARASHI FAN-GIRLS, they're more than welcome. but none so far except one.

ahh, why am i ranting this in the middle of the night? i donno. i think im feeling sucky at this time, which means that i have to obediently go to bed!

a lot Arashi going on as usual!


LAST 5 X 10 CONCERT AT NAGOYA DOME ENDED! MC was funny! because they're ARASHI!

Nino's Baystorm played troublemaker full! <3

and i can't decide which three songs i like best! three songs within such a short period of time! how cool! can't wait to see what type of Single will they produce! and yes! PV!

okok, time to sleeep!! pls wake up early! and yes! i seriously needa resume exercising! ive been saying but not doing. lazy bum! tsk!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

early morn for my room <3

on my lappy just to update my ipod with full HQ Sora Takaku coz i forgot to do so ystd. then shun bian update my blog. YAY! my room is all clean and nice and is so NINO!! love love!!

woke up at 0840 or so, and started to clean. and mum was like "why are you awake so early?" my reply was "why? cannot?" haha! she knows sunday is my sleep-in day and will only wake up at 11.. but somehow, despite the short hours of sleep of 4 hrs, i still can wake up so early. so i hope i can stay awake to prepare my seminars. eyes, pls be co-operative.

pics pics of my ROOM! my heaven! the place where i can just stay in for days and weeks! i love my room. do you love your room?

JAAANG! love love!! so clean and neat.. oops! self-praise. i will always dust and clean this area. yes, it's true. anw, i cant think of any other place to hang my poster. SOOO BIG! im glad mum didnt shout or comment anything. hehe..

my room from the door. new curtain! <3 and my sofabed.. and of course my lappy of almost 5 yrs. i nvr really use my study table to study. i study on my sofabed. more comfy.

from another angle. i love my tv console. if i have Wii, that will be perfect. hehe. where i get my doses of dramas on tv and watching DVDs. <3

ok, time to tv a bit more, bathe and study! and at night, shall be Iza, Now! and more updates from Arashi's last concert!

oh! Sho's drama will be aired tonight! weee!

it's Sho month now! so, my blog layout will change soon for Sho's month. :DD

Saturday, January 16, 2010

colours of a decade ago..

SHOCK! ULTRA SHOCK FOR A NEWBIE LIKE ME! so i thought the last charm of 5 x 10 would be purple since the other 4 colours are out. but noooo!! the last colour didn't turn out to be purple! it is orange!

when i found out that it was orange, i can't figure out why.

but now i know!!! it was because they followed the colours back then 10 years ago from SUPPIN! ahh! surprising rite?? YA LAA! shock cann?

now, that is very nice right? bring back old memories from 10 years ago and reminisce it. that's where they all begin..

AWW~ i think it is very sweet and make sense now. im even more touched. kudos to those who realise that. MAN! and i should have watched SUPPIN earlier instead of letting it rot in my drive. oops!

ok, so now change plan! instead of watching Iza Now, i shall watch SUPPIN first! just nice, to end off their 5 x 10 con, i will be watching their concert from 10 yrs ago. YAY!

from arashinino. vox. now i know! and i must rmb!
Ohno- Blue (he doesn't change colour! coz he's RIDA!)
Sho- Yellow (ah, now Nino takes that colour. hehe..)
Aiba- Orange (now green)
Nino-Green (Aiba's colour now)
Jun- Pink (nearest to red, so now it's Sho's)

now, BONUS QUESTION! did i get the right colour?? HELL NOOOOO!!!!!! i got PINK!!!! AHHH! and pink is JUN's!!! ahh! no no, i seriously have nothing against Jun, but just that, why JUN??? haha! i wouldn't mind if it's others. when i got to know that Tokyo Dome was pink, i was happy coz that got to be Sho's colour rite? but now, NOOOO!

BY RIGHT, i should get GREEEN! ahh! green was Fukuoka Dome! now, i seriously feel like sourcing for it laa! madness!

there goes my ichiban's colour. oh wells. nonetheless, whatever colour it is, it's still Arashi right?

talking about the last moments of the concert, and tmr being the last day.. im finally putting up my poster which has been in my cupboard for sometime now. i donno how else to straighten the poster with utmost care.


it will be put up later.. YAY! hope mum won't scream. oops!

oh! finally, Sora Takaku in FULL HQ! :DDDD been listening to it the whole time now. okok, time to bathe! and SUPPIN!

Aiba's family restaurant~

calpis37 is sure damn one lucky girl! 1st, she got acknowledged by Nino when she attended the 5 x 10 at Tokyo Dome. then now, she went to Aiba's family restaurant! so she was the last few customers, and hence the chance to snap here & there in the restaurant. how COOL can that be? i also wanna go! though i can't eat! haha! it has got such a nice ambience! she posted loads of pics tho. but i just take the more important ones for my memory sake..

not that i know how to read, but in her LJ, she did say the name of the restaurant. Keikarou..

coz she was last the customer, it was already empty.

cashier and the stairways to his house. hahaha!

and she said that thinks she saw AIBA! but cant really confirm as he was in mask n hats. but she thinks he is coz it was on the 23rd dec, the day b4 Aiba's bday. ne, i donno. LOL!

ok, i wanna watch my Saigo for the 3rd time, and this time, it's subbed! :DD