Sunday, February 01, 2009

what 24?

yoohoo!blogging mood it's sunday n the wk is coming to an end soon..mann..that's like damn fast can?but yeah i think i had enough rest..heh..

so wassup?thurs was my last entry,so start with friday..i had make up for my hua yi class..heh..i think it's kinda cool la that class,quite happening n on..but heng also i nvr get that class coz im kinda shy in class to speak up.i mean for chinese class..haha!anw,that class has gt loads more nationalities like england n spain..mann!that spanish guy is sure damn hot i tell u!he's got this clean face,n he wears specs..gosh!faint!n i love him conversing in chinese that accent..haha!n there's more mlys also..all the minah tudung..then indons also a whole gang of them..haha!i juz tegur this one mly gal coz we happened to leave the classrm tgther,so being a bit friendly,i tegur n asked her wats her name..haha..she's from tue's morning class,also came for make up..

anw,otw home,i saw yiheng..hahaha!then i tapped him to say hi coz he didnt see took quite some time for him to recognise me coz i was wearing specs..he was like errrr..then only hi-ed me!cute..heh..wo xi huan da..then at nite he msned me n said the he couldnt recognise!then he said since when i wear specs ro was it sting like that?i!if i were to tell him that it's a fake specs,he's gg to faint n thinks that im!then he went on to said that he lost in gambling..haha!asked me if i know hw to!he's funny..i love chatting w him..did i tell u that both of us love xiao zhu??haha!then when he wanna log off already,then said bye mah,then my bye is xiao zhu's emoticons..then he replied bye n said this comp no!!funny mann! =)

so basically tats my friday n i spent the whole night watching last friends..omgosh i tell u it's sure a damn nice story n i super like the story line i definitely in love n smittened by nishikido ryo..hah!he's f-ing shuai!really got attitude..jap guys are godd!haha!i love the way he walks..juz like takuya..haha!he doesnt walk,he cat walks!mann!i walk also not like that sia..super anyhow one walk..haha!love himm!n im definitely loving the ost prisoner of love..i love the song way b4 watching the drama,n now that i watched the drama,im loving it more n more laa!beautiful lyrics n compliment the drama damn well!n wat a small world,one of the main casts also casted in engine..haha!no wonder i find her familiar..n im gg to finish ep 8-12 by tonight..haha!cant wait ehh..shiok shiok! =)

i spent my saturday slacking ard like babi..haha!damn lazy to do anything mann i tell u..shit!when my parents went for kenduri,i was alone at home,watched some tv,then later ended up the tv watched me sleep..haha!then when it was 5+,then only i was quite awake,then ate..then while eating,suddenly wan qi smsed me n said tat the bottle of cookies went missing..haha!she suspected her bro took it..mann..cry!hahaha!then after that i did some ironing..

then by the time,my parents were home..woohoo..mak bot for me new alarm clr!i like!heh..mann,she knows hw badly i need an alarm clock after i gave her mine coz my nephew spoilt her alarm clock,then i passed her my alarm clock,also she bot for me,then now she bot anor blue alarm clock..haha..she knows i love nothing but blue..heheh..sayang mak!then at night,ctinue watching last friends..haha!then watched bfb..damn funny ar bfb..i love bfb!really missed their hosting after 4days for entourage.. =)

then juz now went for madrasah..was a gd girl coz i didnt feel sleepy n was awake for the whole class..mann..this class really makes me like wanna hv a feel of wat it's like to in a rship..haha!thr's nothing wrong with it rite?i mean..ok..i shall leave this for some other time when i hv the mood to talk abt it..n tiq told me abt her tutor said that ntu nbs is better than nus biz,then it reminded her of me..haha..then she saw some guy's father's name same as me,then it reminded her of me agn.haha..TOUCHED that she rmbrs!

then when i reached home,suddenly i wanna tell my mum sthing..all coz of tiq told me abt ntu nbs' i went.."ehh mak,no laa,juz wanna tell u,that my biz sch is no 24 in the world.."then she went "wat 24?"hahaha!i was like "ranking laa,in the whole world,we're 24..better than nus as nus is 36..haha!but of course i told her in mly laa..heh..juz wanna let her know that her daughter is in a top sch..ranked 24 world wide..hahahaha!so random rite?heh..suddenly strike such a convo..

then wat else?oh cookies,suddenly so mum juz told me that my cousing asked me to bake for her,then she wanna pay me..hahaha!initially i was lazy,but since i wanna earn some cash,ok la,y happy my cookies are delicious..haha..coz im nt v confident of wat i prepare..i may say nice but ppl may not like it n i may be sad if ppl don like it..hahhahaha!

oh damn sad that hotshot only managed to stay in no1 spot for one wk last wk,n this wk,drop to no4..sheesh!sad!now muz chg my nick..cant put no1..haha!

then i did my biz law tutorial..tough man..while doin it,prisoner of love is on rpt mode for the whole time while i was doing the tutorial..haha!crazy i know but the song is juz damn learning the song..heh..far much easier than chinese songs man..haha!

thats all i guess..quite on track now..juz left completing biz law tut 4 n do correction for acctg 3,then tmr read acctg n chinese n go for my health chk up in sch..til a bit more work n watch LAST FRIENDSSS!!!!!! =) smiles! =)))) (aisha said the drama boring.chett!haha!)

Inextinguishable Happiness – Cause I Believe
Luo Zhi Xiang Show

No reason, I just like you
When we first met, it was like we met again
Take a deep breath and let your actions turn invisible
The perfect love is a silent melody

Listening, I hear your tone of uncertainty
Waiting, I’ll wait for you to let go of your hesitance
Hey, If you gently close your eyes
I will understand the decision you make

‘Cause I Believe
That melody of inextinguishable happiness
In the palms of your hands, who will give you beauty
The quiet one will always be quiet
So just let my heart quietly protect you
Happiness needs no echo

No reason, I just like you
Yearning as wide as the sea, emotions sky high
You walk forward,
Just watching the silhouette of your back
Is enough for the whole world [weather] to clear unconditionally

You, if you’ve already fallen in love with his name
Love, if it already has no space for me
Hey, as long as you can forever be happy
I’m willing to be gradually forgotten

Giving happiness to you
I Believe ‘Cause I Believe
That melody of inextinguishable happiness
Your hands don’t necessarily need me to hold them tightly
Just like a star there will always be a reason to shine
I Believe you’re worth cherishing
And also worth giving up

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