Sunday, February 22, 2009

for one more day pls!

chett!uat keje die sikit,tapi die nye melencong byk!

haha..wat im trying to say is i only did a little bit of work,but did a lot of other things..means i side track a lot..chett! so angry laa w myself but cant help it sia..wah lao!break lehh..recess wk lehh..who got mood to do work?arrggghhh..the thot of it..makes me soo angry!sheesh!

so i spent the whole day dl-ing songs n watching NEWS..haha!gosh!i love ryo!faint ar i tell u..i did a bit of acctg..shiit!now that i rmb,i not only hv acctg n law,but also comm funds n the blooody IIC stuff....not fgting my chinese..exam's in a mth's time i better buck upp sialll!arrgghhh!

lemme juz slack for today,the last day...then i'll chiong..insya-Allah...

anw,some vids i LOVE SOO MUCH!

song that i juz dl-ed n saw it in youtube at NEWS concert..faint!wats more fainting is thr's NINO!!hahah..freakinnggg cute!

anor freakingly nice song from NEWS..cherish..gosh!i seriously love ryo's nasal voice..faint!n i love hw the audience also dance to the song..niceeee!!!

nino's latest drama..which will be aired on 29mar..woot!patiently waiting for it..his character in this show is superb..he'll be acting as someone overcoming illness..gosh!his acting is sure damn convincing..faint faint!!

n ive finished watching yamada taro monogatari in 2days..proud!haha!damn nice.i love him..i wont mind falling in love with a poor chap like that if that kinda person really does exist..haha!

gimmick game on rpt mode..i love nino's voice too!haha!

ok la..short's only 11+,still v early to sleep sia!sheesssh!im watching nino's other drama,haikei,chichiue-sama..wanna watch letter from iwo jima,but too many parts in you i shall wait till nx time or see who gt dvd then borrow n watch..ok la..ciaozz!

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