Monday, February 02, 2009

ラスト・フレンズ~Last Friends

yeah ive finished watching last friends in 3days!omg!damn nice!f-ing nice like shit!i love the story..sthing soo different n refreshing that i wld nvr thot of..twists n turns n complication,n it all came to a happy ending tho in the end nikishido died!which was a bad bad pt..haha!mann,his character in this drama is totally the opposite of 1litre of tears siaa..gosh!he's juz one dead damn gorgeous guy who can carry any characted..shit!juz like kimura san..haha!faint!faint!

i love ppl who can cry easily w/out having to force the tears out of them..haha..n nikishido did juz that..damn!ok i think i shld address him as ryo..haha!anw,aside from him,i also love ueno juri!omg!her acting,damn kakoii n superb like hell!even jia huey said soo..haha!i love her laa!man!really gt that damn attitude..she carried herself as a lesbian damn well!i may consider buying the dvd man!damn nice if watch on tv..haha!but actually come to think of it,i watch this coz of ryo..but ended up,his part in this show not so big..haha!but yeah,ueno juri amde me wanna ctinue watching..sheesh!damn nice!10 thumbs upp laa! =))

anw,it was sad n touching n teared..esp the part whr ryo died with the wedding gown!damnit!damn touching n sadd laa!b4 he died,he raped michiru..then he regretted..then he committed suicide..with the wedding gown..then he left a letter to michiru..wah seh!CRYYY!!

Gdbye Michiru. I will set you free. So long as im alive, I will keep confining you. that’s y the only way to set you free is to make this heart stop. I wanted to become ur ething. I wanted to become the whole world that you saw, all the light that shone upon you, n all the happiness you felt. No matter where we were, I wanted to be with you forever. But you, in a world whr I don exist, found happiness, didn’t you? Thats y im gg to die. at least, while im still able to feel warmth on these hands.. while this body still rmbs being one w you.. I'm sorry.. Even tho I loved ur smiling face so much, I wasnt able to make u smile. I'm sorry.. for nt knowing hw to love. I'm sorry..that I cldnt make you happy, farewell, michiru . Live a happy live..

CCCCCCRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYY!for gdness sake..damn touching laa!he had to diee!arrgghh!

ok..i've had my fill of last friends..i love the cast soo much!i think i wanna watch anor drama of nt tonight..gotta sleep siaa..heh..til then..ciaoz!

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