Friday, February 27, 2009

i feel ive been drugged..zzz!

damnit!i feel so freakyy shitty n sleepy..gosh!it's as if ive been drugged..otw home juz now in abg boy's car,wahlaoo!super sleepy ehh!i donno after dinner,super full,then sat in the car with the shiok aircon,makes me super sleepy n im still am now..argghhh!!

it's friday!omgosh!n nx wk sch resumes..mann!how fast can that be???it's friday,n im still only 1/4 done for my biz law assignment..hw sucky cant that be??i hate law sucks like shit!n ive nt done the tutorial!n ive many things undone..gosh!i think im quite stress here but im still v stubborn n not moving..wtfish mann!zzzz laaa!!so much to complain..uselesss mann!!i hate this feeling..shitt!

anw,no use ranting..either i move on or i juz heck it n get a C..haha!damnit!!

so otw to marina juz now..had a quick chat w a fren..u know,it's kinda shocking to hear that kinda stories from her..but ya laa..not that i don believe,or i believe,or im taking sides or watver,coz i only hear one side of the story n donno the other..but u know wat?i learnt that no matter wat it is,don assume..yes we make think it's this n that,but unless u really go n ask that person n talk it out,then u'll nvr know the truth n wats the reason behind all thats happening..yess i know n am aware that it's easier said that done n that im not in that person's shoe..but to whoever u are im talking abt,do talk it out..i wish i can help..but im not confident i can do it n am in the capacity to do yaa..i hope that it wont drag that long considering that strong friendship u guys have..

rantings aside,so today i went to meet kak lin as planned ystd to get my esprit my bagg!!woot!i juz found out then that the actual px for the bag is 79.90,then disc to 39.90,then staff disc,i only paid for 23.90.hahahah!shiok or wat??i can nvr be happier laa thenn??lololol!!happy!!cant wait to wear the bag when sch starts nx wk..woot!damn striking u know..hah!from far,ppl know liao i come..haha!it's goldd!!kak linda said gold nicer,kak lin also said gold nicer..wooot!!!so ive decided not to buy crumpler..nx time..hahahaha!i thot i wanna wear tmr to jb,but nah..jb very pack..later ppl bang onto me n my new precious bag,so better!action sakk!haha..

then after that abg boy fetched us..then went to eat at mackenzie..heh..nvr eat b4,1st time..not bad..sdp..that's when i got sleepy after the dinner..the funny thing is i don really eat a lot..but damn full n sleepy..ahhh..useless..i still got loads to do n i didnt do chinese ystd..shessh!so it's gg to be accumulated..shit..i cant find time..tmr wanna go out ehh.then sunday also most prob go out..then monday liaooo!!die die..

ahhh..don wanna spoil my moood..i better get moving n do a bit of law siall!shitt!!n listen to arashi!!wooot!!i love nino!i love oh no!i love sho!i love jun!i love aiba!i love arashi!hahah..i donno how many times i said this..but yesss i love them loads!!!

lastlyt..JB!!!!!HERE I COMEEE!!!i hope i can get a lot of things out of my shopping list at a gd bargain.woot!! =)))

stupid lawww..soo messy!chett!but still,donno how to do and argue the case..i feel sooo hopelesss!!!

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