Sunday, February 15, 2009

last min!!

omg!at the last minute i found itt!!


superb!he's sweating soo much but still soo cooool! =) he penned the song himself sia..i think the music..then he played the piano..gosh!!
the actual recording has some nice backgrd.the sea waves,the birds chirping..

いつもそうよitsumo sou yo
just as usual,

拗ねると君はsuneru to kimi wa
when you get upset,

私の大事な物を隠すでしょう watashi no daijina mono wo kakusu deshou
you go and hide away my most precious things.

その墓所は決まった同じだから sono bashou wa kimatte onaji dakara
but since that place (where you hide them) is always the same

今日は先に行って待ってみるは kyou wa saki ni itte matte miru wa
this time I'll try to be there waiting for you.

季節達が夕日を連れて来て kisetsutachi ga yuuhi wo tsurete kite
the seasons are bringing along the setting sun

影が私を見つけて延びる kage ga watashi wo mitsukete nobiru
and the shadows find me as they stretch.

ビックリした顔で私を見つめては bikkurishita kao de watashi wo mitsumete wa
with a startled expression you fix your eyes on me,

急に口尖らせ”プイ”とそと見るは kyuuni kuchi togarase "pui" tto soto miro wa
suddenly pouting your lips and looking away.

"ごめんね”と言うと "gomen ne" to iu to
I tell you "I'm sorry"

"じゃあ、こっち来てよ”と "jaa, kocchi ni kite yo" to
tell you to come here

"ねえ、ほらほら、見て見て "nee, hora, mite mite,"
hey, look, look,

影が重なった。。。”kage ga kasanatta...”
our shadows have overlapped..."

傘がぶつかり 真直ぐ歩けない kasa ga butsukari, massugu arukenai
our umbrellas have collided and I can't go any further,

そんな私を見て笑っているの sonna watashi wo mite waratte iru no
are you laughing at me right now? (because of the situation)

私もやって 見せてあげるの watashi mo yatte, misete ageru no
I'll show you I can also do it,

同じように口を尖らすonaji you ni kuchi wo togarasu
I can also pout my lips like you.

優しく笑う君が yasashiku warau kimi ga
you smiling gently,

この時間が空間が kono jikan ga kuukan ga
this time and place,

泣きたくなるくらい nakitaku naru kurai
I feel like crying,

いちばん大事な物だよ ichiban daijina mono dayo
because those are my most precious things.

わざと尖らせてる waza to togaraseteru
I purse my lips on purpose,

私に”ごめんね”の返事を待たずに watashi ni "gomen ne..." no henji wo matazu ni
and without waiting for your turn to say "sorry"

優しくキスしたの yashiku kisu shita no
I go ahead and kiss you gently.

これからはちょっとくらいのわがまま korekara wa chotto kurai no wagamama
from now on, this sort of selfish things

言ってもいいよ itte mo iiyo
it's ok to say them,

でも私にだけよ demo watashi ni dake yo
but only to me.

”面倒臭いから”って" mendoukusai kara" tte
you say "it's too troublesome".

素直じゃないんだから sunao ja nain dakara
that's not very gentle.

何て言えないのかな nante ienai no kana?
I wonder why you can't tell me

“好きだよ?”一言よ "suki dayo", hitokoto yo
that you love me, just those words.

たまには聞きたいな tama ni wa kikitai na
because right now that's what I want to hear.

今日は私と君が kyou wa watashi to kimi wa
today is the day our

名字を重ねた日myouji wo kasaneta hi
family names become one,

愛を芽吹いた日ai wo mebuita hi
the day our love sprouts.

"la la la la la..."

虹がきれいだよ niji ga kirei dayo
ain't the rainbow's beautiful?

いや、お前の方が iya, omae no hougano,
it's you who's really beautiful.

テレ始める君に terehajimeru kimi nito
you for starting to blush,

ありがとう ありがとう arigatou, arigatou....
thank you, thank you...

i tell u,coz of my new 2gb ipod nano cant fit all these songs n had to delete songss..faint!so my ipod is full of smap,xiao zhu,arashi n news..hahahahaha!ppl muz be wondering if this ipod belongs to INDAH..haha!but i still hv my all time fav david archuleta n indon songs n some mly songs sia..hahaha!

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