Sunday, February 15, 2009

pain in the pantat

u know some ppl are just a pain in the ass n i juz felt like scolding wtf straight to their's like i hv limits to my patience la...not only me but all humans do rite?i don give a fucking damn man whether or not u're older,younger or watever..but if u don hv the mind to think straight,alamak!mintak kene sepak ke tembak ar!i donno how to say mann..i juz feel like gg on cursing ar i tell u but i know that's not gd..arrgghh!it's really getting on my nerves..damnit!fuck off mann!

that's really distracting studying at home..library's the best mann n im heading the library tmr..hopefully i can wake up early n mugg in the enduring siaa all the way until thurs,n after that im gg to hv a gd rest b4 i start doing all the freaking assignments which are also a pain in that small ass of mine..hahah!

n dearest cousin kak linda finally had a blog..penat aku layan die tadi..haha!

wat else?ooh!ive chg my blog songg!wooot!nino!faint!im like loving him more than ryo..haha!no laa..both are special in their own way n i love them both!wooot!juz that..nino's i donno..haha!indescribable..lolol!but ryo alsoo!alamak!confuse!now whr to put xiao zhu n takuya?haah!i still love them mann!i love all of them! =)

oh ya i donno if i tell u this alrdy but my uztaz will be leaving spore to further his hopefully i can still go for classes n thr's replacement for him..

ok la..wanna busuk n panas..then study IT..hope to get all those software thingy inside my brain n also the database.zz..!sucks!

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