Monday, February 16, 2009

fever aka demam

ehh bored cann?wahlao!one whole day study liao until i donno wat to study,or rather,im juz lazy to study..i still hv one more seminar to go for IT..shitty!but at the looks of it,not tat bad coz most of it i cvr alrdy..heng ar!haah!anw,5% is damn pathetic n shldnt put in so much for acctg,i will chiong for the last time super no liao mahh..haha!

so i headed to the lib agn..wah seh!lib is sure damn hot laa..i reached at 11,all tables in occupied by at least 1 person,no empty tables..lib opens at 10 leh..then i was freaking a bit lazy to wake up despite the multiple alarms n reminders..haha!

so at the lib i saw the same girl who sat at the same table as me on sat..haha!so coincidental..n she still recognized me..n waved!touched ehh rmb me,when we only met once n talked for a while..haha!damn..i wish it was a guy..handsome guy at!better kann?maybe i shld frequent the lib more often then who!i wish..

anw,i rcved a call from someone unexpected,n that is my colleague from ml.gosh!750 am called me leh..i said la hello hello,then she on the other line also hello hello..then kept hello...ppl early in the morning damn groggy..haha!then i hung up..n i didnt bother to like call or sms back..the reason was because y wld she wanna find me after so long rite?haha!i donno mann!shld i like call back?ohwells..donno ar..zz..hahaha!weird..i wish it was sy..hahaha!

anor thing..there's this guy in IIC,super enthu..he started an email chain for all of us to intro ourselves..haha!betul2,aku mls nk lyn..haha..but all replied,so i also replied lor..haha!wanna know wat i intro or nt?lol!

~i simply love to watch tv..can watch the same show over n over agn w/out getting sick.haha!
~so wat i like to watch?japanese,korean,taiwanese dramas..idol crazyy over them..LOL!
~listen to music
~play badminton tho im nt gd at it..heh..
~other than that,i love to hang out..simple.. =)

things abt me:
~i may be a Malay,but i love chasing non-malay idols..haha!my favs are takuya kimura,SMAP,arashi n NEWS n also xiao zhu..hahah!anyone who has the same interest as me?lol!

wahaha!see the bold enlarged's johnny's idol fever yo!hahaha!faint faint ar!

that aside,the thing i hate abt the whole thing is that i hate the person who started the email coz he's racist..yeah..doesnt matter who is he racist against..n he admitted it he is one..wt*!thats y he's my arch enemy now tho he added me in msn but im nt gg to talk to him unless necessary n that im nt gg to the outings he organizes..haha!who cares?pfft!haha..

yeah!!n ive added a playlist on my blogg!woot!all the songs that i like..woot!all from johnny's entertainment..woot!crazyy liao..paiseh..hahaha!rockss!

then nvm!!shuwen accepted my friend's request mah..then she gave me johnny's idol gift..haha!faint!ryo half naked..wooot!faint!

speaking of which,i really looove nino's n ryo's voice..nino's voice is how to say?lantang?but in a nice wayy..gosh!ryo,a bit nasal but sexy nasal bukan mcm spin n spoon,the mly boybands sengau not nice..hahah!but his,is SUPERBB..hahahah!crazyyy!

anw,im really in love with this song by NEWS..forever..beautiful lyrics.. =)

You’re my precious baby my darling
Can’t stop thinking of you Only you
From the bottom of my heart everyday, every time, Forever
If it’s a lifetime with you, even a thousand years wouldn't be enough
With all sorts of plans, and so many dreams
I hope we’ll laugh and always be happy no matter what
So that there won’t be any sadness we can’t rise above
In an unknown future, there might be some anxious moments
But if the two of us just believe, there’ll be nothing to fear

You’re my precious baby my darling
Can’t stop thinking of you Only you
From the bottom of my heart everyday, every time,
You’re my precious baby For the first time,
I can swear without hesitation
For always I will love you Forever

If it’s a lifetime with you, I can laugh at my mistakes
We’ll spin together memories as the years go by
Because a future without you has no meaning
That kind of sadness isn’t something I can rise above
In a bitter world, there is bound to be hurt
But if the two of us support each other, we’ll make it through

You’re my precious baby my darling
Can’t stop thinking of you Only you
From the bottom of my heart everyday, every time,
You’re my precious baby For the first time,
I can exchange these words without hesitation
For always I will love you

I can’t believe in love like a mom
(But) I know it from the time I saw you, that night, at sight
Kiss and snug never fade away
This is the must time, last vibes in my life,
Rib it “Forever”

You’re my precious baby my darling
Can’t stop thinking of you Only you
From the bottom of my heart everyday, every time,
You’re my precious baby For the first time,
I can exchange these words without hesitation
For always I will love you Forever
You’re my precious baby In all truthfulness, you’re like a treasure
For always I will love you Forever

ahh beautiful!

ok la..wanna pray n eat n studyyyy!!at least a biittt!hahah!faint!

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