Thursday, February 05, 2009

next plssss!

woohoo!!3days to finish anor drama!i like!!i juz finished siaa..woot!proud..crazy i know..heh..kakoii!hahah!faint!damn nice!ok laa,all the dramas that i watched i will definitely say damn nice.but seriously,this is damn nice..sthing different..i wld nvr hv thot of such a storyline!lovee!

I LOVE RYO! I LOVE NINO! GOSH! FAINT!nino's bday is 17 june ehh!haha!2days after mee!haha!smittened!!

i donno wat to watch nx coz i love both of them..haha!i guess i gotta stop for a while coz proj n quizzes are piling up n i needa catch up man..but if im stubborn,i guess i'll juz watch..haha! =p

anw,juz now IT presentation went well n yea!one down!woot!

ok..gotta like sleep..later 8.30 class siaa!looking fwd to later 2.30am coz that's the end of sch weeeeek!!!WEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

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