Friday, February 20, 2009

break here i comeee!

yoohoo!!it's officially the recess weeek!no one can be happier than mee laa sehh!woot!tho like i said there are assignments waiting for me,but who cares?i wanna enjoy my 1wk break as much as i can b4 the next term starts coz it's gg to hell..sheesh!

lemme share wat happen ystd..i like thurs v much coz it makes me know my classmates more abt them..haha!so i was late as usual..haha!sial la!i woke up only at 6.40!!i ignored all my alarms n i think my mum cant be bothered to wake me up or that she also cant hear my alarm..haha!damn kanjiong ar..i got bathe ok?haah!no kopet2 siaa!it was a mad rush..i will nvr fail to put my eyeliner..haha!but i didnt hv time to put conditioner on my hair,so i grabbed my conditioner and while in the lift,i did my hair..haha!buruk kann aku?lol!heng ar the lift nvr stop at lvl5,if not paiseh siaa!

anw,it was comm funds lesson n it was funny coz the tutor was asking that indon guy in my class abt talaq,cerai or divorce it!so she asked in Islam,you can divorce thru sms or watsover,coz she read it in the papers some time ago..then the indon boy said no u cant then he went on explaining abt it..then the tutor also asked me abt it.haha!n i know his name..if i rmb correctly,this is!ragil sardina wardina..haha!damn long n a typical indon name sia..haha!mann..i like him i wish we can be friends..heh..

that aside,after comm funds,i was super i chio-ed my classmates to taste the food thr..wahseh!shiok shiok!western halal!yong tau foo halal!chinese chicken rice halal!shiok cann!and cheaap!i tried chicken cutlet n butter rice..the rice not nice tho,but the cutlet is nice..the spaghetti looked appetising..shld hv tried spag rather than the rice..but anw..we've decided to go NIE every thurs for lunch after commfunds..heh..

so over lunch,we were gossiping n sharing!talked abt how we hated these few guys in biz law class n they always wanan participate n nvr give the chance for others to participate which is true n i hated them to the core like shit!haha!i don care mann!i hate them so much!always acting smart n asking qns thats not even in the context of our syllabus..puit!hate it soo much!haha..n we were saying it's safe to talk abt them coz we were at NIE n that ard us are most prolly teachers to be,no biz students!yaa.then we were sharing things..heh..i like!makes me get to know more abt them..ppl like bi huan n kah hwee..heh..kah hwee esp coz i don like her due to proj..haha!n i still do now,but other than proj,yea,she's nice..we have sthng in common..jap freakss!hahaha!=)

then it was time n headed back to north spine for law lecture..zzzzz laa!i was really sleepy like shit..smp lentok2 sakk!serious sehh..this is the only lecture that i will nvr fail to doze off..haha!im bad i know.i hate law v much!sheesh!

then went ikea w nat coz thr's sales n she wanna buy mirror for her usual,we talked n shared abt ething under the sun.n as usual,i rant to her abt my worries n all..heh..n she said that i think wayyyy too much sometimes n thr she was comforting me n made me not to think too much n to accept our classmates n don be mean to them..she didnt really say that explicitly,but ya,she went on saying that these ppl are innoncent n that their personality is jz like that..haha!nat's kind mann..i tell u,if not for her,i will least enjoy my uni life n that i don really hv the drive to work hard..hw we supported each other n she kept saying we shld work hard n put in the very best n don let the past discourage!im really gg to work hard get 2nd upper..aint easy yo!im tryingg..sheesh!uni's stress!pffft!

then reached home,lepak like shit!i slept at 10pm!gosh!nvr hv i slept that early..that goes to show how mentally n physically drained i was ystd..n i only woke up at 11+ today..haha!12 hrs of sleep..shiok or wat??

n i spent my day slacking ard n listening to arashi n news over n over agn..then bake choc cake..wahseh!nice siaa the cake!lembut cann?hahaha!so proud of myself..heh..

then watched the last few episodes of ryusei..damn sad n i cried a bit..i love nino soo much!now im like loving him more than ryo..hahaha!

then ironed my clothes..mak kauu!pe banyak!!i took liek 2hrs+ to iron..damn tired n my back is aching..sheesh!old liao..haha..

oh ya!then my 3rd came juz now to visit my mum..haha!kecoh ar my bro..i think we hv so much in common..but i don talk as loud as him..haha!i know we shldnt believe in horoscope thingy.but the 2 of us are gemini..hehe..u know,buying cds,i think i follow him..haha!my mum kept reminding him not to buy anymore!even juz now also reminded him agn..then he went."tak laa.tanye dilah..tak.."haha!that means he nvr buy alrdy,can ask his!funny!he ar,i tell u loves to spend on cds n nt so extreme like him..haha!then he said he visited nenek some day ago n nenek was crying to him..mann..i pity my nenek mann..die da la senang hati die fikirkan anak2..

then watt?nothing i am blogging away..anw,ive alrdy planned wat to do for this 1wk's jdorama marathon!!!i wanna watch

~Yamada Taro Monogatari
~Attention Please
~Letters from Iwo Jima

these are a muz watch..n if time permits,im gg to watch other dramas by nino n ryo..then hv loads of drama sia,esp nino..woooot!

ok la..wanna bathe..body soo sticky..then eat n watch yamada taroo!!gosh!nino freaking cuteee like f*!haha! =)

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