omgosh!! indah is damn happy can? damn happy until donno like what coz my 2
torturous quizzes are finally over juz now n spared me of the agony.. then tmr is a slack day for me then after that nx wk will be the start of mid term break, tho it isnt much of a break, due to the assignments n proj, but at least sthing la hor, rather than gg to sch eday n squueeeeze in 179.. haha! shiokk!
anw, u know watt? i cant sleep sia ystd nite! i donno wat happened ehh! i know i had a late noon nap but that was only for an hr or so.. then did u know wat i ended up doing to keep myself asleep? listened to arashi n news n started to sing along tho i donno the lyrics.. heh.. then did crunches until cramp.. haha! then read the papers.. then played hp games.. until i almost slept n i donno wat time was that.. but i know the last time i checked the time it was 3+.. haha! faint! heng ar can wake up for 8.30 class n not sleepy at that.. happy! proud ar! n i can survive until now.. hahaha!
n so as i was saying, it was mid term alrdy, n tutors were advising us to participate in class if not, it will be hard to award marks.. wahlao! this one damn angry coz i tell u, i participate quite actively in IT n acctg, but not law! i hate law to the core n the % for participation is like so high, 20%.. wtf! i hate law soo much! i hate law coz thr's juz these 2 idiots who cant stop talking in class n loves to discuss abt sthing outside the context of our syllabus.. it's so freaking irritating shit! so this sem, thr's 2 ppl whom i condemn soo much, n they happened to be called lionel! chet!i hate this name man now! pfffft!! anw, i will try my best to participate more in class for blaw.. zzz..
IT was funn! coz thr was
xu yun! my favourited tutor from china.. hahaha! the moment he stepped into the class, natasha shouted his name! hahaha! then i saw also shouted! haha! donno y etime see him, damn happy one.. lol! then he sat behind.. then i chio him sit in front our table laa, then he doesnt want.. then that table he was sitting at, started to occupy, then i chio him agn come sit in front with us. wah, i even take my bag away from the seat to give him.. haha! i love him laa! hahahahahah!
then asked him wat is he doin in our class n nat asked him hw is he.. he said he is a student, learn from the other tutors in conducting classes.. wah seh! hardworking! hahaha! i like himmm! =)) so happy ar see him i smile from ear to ear.. xu yun rocks mann! the best tutor i had so far despite his soft voice n shyness.. lol!
then i had my IT quiz.. kinda sucks sia! coz i only 75/100.. not that it's not high enough, but the fact that the questions u get is a random combination from 135 mcqs.. so u can get any combination of the qns..n heng suay, u get hard mcqs, then it sucks rite? ya lorr! then i got a lot of database mcqs n i was hoping n told nat that hopefully i don get soo many database qns then suay i kena soo many! wah lao! if not i tell u i can get anor 5 marks to satisfy myself.. coz most average got 70! haha.. but ok la, shld Alhamdulillah.. i passed not so low.. heh..
after that, slacked in the lab.. did a bit of database only n spent the rest of the time chatting w nat n xing zhen.. talking abt ething under the sun.. lol! then i told them my chinese name.. haha! then my chinese name the su n li same as nat's chinese name.. lol! then xing zhen said we're sisters.. lol! then talk n talk until it was time for acctg quiz.. damn scared like wat ar i tell u..
my hands shivered siaa! at the end of the quiz, everyone was complaining the shortage of time n the trickyness of the qns n hw hard it was as compared to last sem.. hahaha! i was like closing my ears n not hear them discussing answers coz i don wanna know which one i gt rite or wrong.. over liao, thr's nothing u can do.. shi bu shi? haha!
then noww! the answers are uploaded! so u can chk for urself hw much u get! n i get 15! haha! that is if i rmbered my answers correctly.. but hopefully i can get 16.. coz thr's this journal entry, i hope they wont mark so strictly.. then i can secure a 16.. heh.. if not, make sure i get 15 sia.. if not i cryyy! ppl get full marks ehh! n that is my acctg grp mate! faint! smart ass! n im sure he is not the only one.. but anw, im still happy w my marks.. =) coz those that i know, i got rite.. those i donno, is really donno liao.. hahahaha!
was chatting w yiheng then u know i like to type cryyy to show my expression that is really depressing.. hah! then he consoled n hushed me sia! hah! faint! he damn sweet i like! then jz now after acctg, i think i alrdy made way for him to go out 1st coz im still packing my stuff.. he sat all the way inside n sat beside him.. then he waited for me ehh to lemme finish pack up.. heh.. no la, he's juz being a gentleman.. heh.. smittened! thats one of the reasons y i love acctg.. juz now he saw my hp's theme, then said the love image is nice.. hahha! faint!
so yeah.. happy n contented.. don need to brood over it... now concentrate on my chinese, law n acctg assignment.. =)
so that's abt it for sch.. that aside.. wahlao, my fb damn kecoh.. haha coz my uncle's ex wifey added a few of us in fb.. haha! kecoh sak! her new husband not handsome sia.. my uncle more handsome.. haha! but ya la, he a bit useless.. lol! anw, wished her best of luck in her new life.. i do see my cousin tho, coz every wkend my uncle will take him.. so over the wkends if thr's gathering, then get to see him..
wat else? getting more n more in love with arashi n news.. haha! i cant get tired watching this vid.. happy birthdayy by news!!