Friday, February 27, 2009

i feel ive been drugged..zzz!

damnit!i feel so freakyy shitty n sleepy..gosh!it's as if ive been drugged..otw home juz now in abg boy's car,wahlaoo!super sleepy ehh!i donno after dinner,super full,then sat in the car with the shiok aircon,makes me super sleepy n im still am now..argghhh!!

it's friday!omgosh!n nx wk sch resumes..mann!how fast can that be???it's friday,n im still only 1/4 done for my biz law assignment..hw sucky cant that be??i hate law sucks like shit!n ive nt done the tutorial!n ive many things undone..gosh!i think im quite stress here but im still v stubborn n not moving..wtfish mann!zzzz laaa!!so much to complain..uselesss mann!!i hate this feeling..shitt!

anw,no use ranting..either i move on or i juz heck it n get a C..haha!damnit!!

so otw to marina juz now..had a quick chat w a fren..u know,it's kinda shocking to hear that kinda stories from her..but ya laa..not that i don believe,or i believe,or im taking sides or watver,coz i only hear one side of the story n donno the other..but u know wat?i learnt that no matter wat it is,don assume..yes we make think it's this n that,but unless u really go n ask that person n talk it out,then u'll nvr know the truth n wats the reason behind all thats happening..yess i know n am aware that it's easier said that done n that im not in that person's shoe..but to whoever u are im talking abt,do talk it out..i wish i can help..but im not confident i can do it n am in the capacity to do yaa..i hope that it wont drag that long considering that strong friendship u guys have..

rantings aside,so today i went to meet kak lin as planned ystd to get my esprit my bagg!!woot!i juz found out then that the actual px for the bag is 79.90,then disc to 39.90,then staff disc,i only paid for 23.90.hahahah!shiok or wat??i can nvr be happier laa thenn??lololol!!happy!!cant wait to wear the bag when sch starts nx wk..woot!damn striking u know..hah!from far,ppl know liao i come..haha!it's goldd!!kak linda said gold nicer,kak lin also said gold nicer..wooot!!!so ive decided not to buy crumpler..nx time..hahahaha!i thot i wanna wear tmr to jb,but nah..jb very pack..later ppl bang onto me n my new precious bag,so better!action sakk!haha..

then after that abg boy fetched us..then went to eat at mackenzie..heh..nvr eat b4,1st time..not bad..sdp..that's when i got sleepy after the dinner..the funny thing is i don really eat a lot..but damn full n sleepy..ahhh..useless..i still got loads to do n i didnt do chinese ystd..shessh!so it's gg to be accumulated..shit..i cant find time..tmr wanna go out ehh.then sunday also most prob go out..then monday liaooo!!die die..

ahhh..don wanna spoil my moood..i better get moving n do a bit of law siall!shitt!!n listen to arashi!!wooot!!i love nino!i love oh no!i love sho!i love jun!i love aiba!i love arashi!hahah..i donno how many times i said this..but yesss i love them loads!!!

lastlyt..JB!!!!!HERE I COMEEE!!!i hope i can get a lot of things out of my shopping list at a gd bargain.woot!! =)))

stupid lawww..soo messy!chett!but still,donno how to do and argue the case..i feel sooo hopelesss!!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

wo wanna shoopppp!!

is my new blog nice?hahaha!johnny's entertainment (je) fever..pardon me..hahahaah!gosh!i love it..if gt time,im gg to improve n make it!!lovesss!

ok at least im moving..u know,i can do acctg n IT,but nvr law..thr's juz this mental barrier or block,that makes me no mood to do only like 1/4 of the assignment..die..sheessh!

anw,ystd met siti to pass her barang2..b4 that met wan qi to get the printout from like so lost at cbd area..noob!then juz lepak a while with siti..then walked ard marina n suntec for a while..n i saw thisss!!

freaking nice kann!!i wanna buyy!but i donno which one to buy!!it's at cotton on..wahlao..faint!i juz love checkered..sheesh!i wan sneakers actually,but saw this..faint..wo xi huan!! how..donno which clr only..

then i saw a bag at esprit which is also v nice n im in contemplating betw that n crumpler..coz if i get that,i don think i wanna get crumpler coz similar..ahhh..faint..donno..haha..

then otw hm,wah seh..irritating..the bus damn freaking slwo like tortoise i felt like scolding..all the bad words wanna come out..shessh!tehn coupled with some irritating chatterings,i blasted my ipod..chet!sorry to those ppl who were annoyed by it..haha!but i don think so la coz the bus was quite packed n tv mobile is irritating..thats y muz blast my ipod until cant hear the tv n chattering.haha!

been sleeping at 4am these few days to do work..i don mind sleeping later as long as i hv my bit share of arashi n nino..i don mind not sleeping.haha!

on sat insya-Alllah maybe gg jb..pls don buih agn aisha..haha!n i wanna long nvr buyy anything..gosh!i wanna shop til i drop..wooot!heh..

oh ya..n i hv 2 jemputan to go..weddings i is my pri sch fren,anor one is my guardian colleague's bro..aiyo..her bro wanna get married,also jemput me meh?haha!sianzz!n it's this wkk..n if nurul is not invited,then i go w who??faint!don go also nt gd rite??sheesh!

so many ppl getting married..2 of my frens alrdy married..mee?haha!still chasing idols..still busy bf at that..haha..k i sound emo..but lemme tell u im not despo..klu de ke mane..haha..n ppl pls stop asking when im gg to hv bf..haha..siti always asked that..=p



simly love him..this was like 4 yrs ago??still boyish n innoncent..haha..he's small n cute.i like ehh!wahlao!!haha..i love how he grooves n shakes to the song..soo cute ahhh!!kawaiii ne!!

this one hair a bit longer..haha..i think this one was performed 1st..donno.haha!coz the vid is uploaded only like '07..then donno when is's written in jap,so i donno wats the description..haha!but anw..gosh!!love it!!kakoiii!

i love arashi more n more..more than news..haha..ooppsss!

anw,SHOW's IN SG NX WKKKK!!hw hw?????i wanna gooooo!!!but no companyyy!!saddd!!i wanna bao bao himmm!gosh!show!faint!im such a fan girl n im tired of chasing.haha!gosh!

kk..go off liao..wanna sing song then off i go to do law n chinese..sheeesh!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

step & goo!!

i love arashi more and more..i love nino more and more..n i love the leader too!oh no!!n i love sho too!!n i love matsumoto jun alsooo!n i also love aiba..i love alll!haha!arashi rocks like whatt arr!gosh!cant nvr get enough of it laa!i simply love oh no's voice..but i still love nino's morree..haha!

mann!step and go is on rpt mode..i love their other older songs..i love their so gg to faint watching them..damn kakoii like wat ar..faint faint!

im like not gg to blog anything other than ARASHI!!haha..faint! =))


Monday, February 23, 2009

more more more!

gosh...u donno hw much i love to blog tho no one read this blog..haha!but who cares?mann..i wanna sleep,but ninomiya kun had to keep me awake..hahaha!i was aat asianfanatics..n coped wanna!im such a fan girl even as this age..sheesh!


i love the 2 of them..loads..much!haha!kawaiii neh!kakoii nehh!

n im even gg crazy over them at fb..i told u b4 that shuwen sent me the johnny idol i got ryo from her..then i sent yamapi to kah hwee,then she sent me back nino..yeah!my 2 fav johnny idols gifts ive rcved..happy sia!how i wish i get the real life person..hahhaah!but no takuya sia..sad..if hv,i asked either of them to send me.hahaha!

okok..sleeeeep!!i need the energy later to do work..zzz...

oh yesss!ive juz transferred songs agn to my's cfm that there is not enough space..i had to delete super many songsss sia! my ipod,i can say almost 80% is jap..hhahaha!faint!i hv the complete news albums n singles..happy!arashi a bit hard to compile coz too manyy..still got kanjani8..faint faint!2gb not enoughh!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

for one more day pls!

chett!uat keje die sikit,tapi die nye melencong byk!

haha..wat im trying to say is i only did a little bit of work,but did a lot of other things..means i side track a lot..chett! so angry laa w myself but cant help it sia..wah lao!break lehh..recess wk lehh..who got mood to do work?arrggghhh..the thot of it..makes me soo angry!sheesh!

so i spent the whole day dl-ing songs n watching NEWS..haha!gosh!i love ryo!faint ar i tell u..i did a bit of acctg..shiit!now that i rmb,i not only hv acctg n law,but also comm funds n the blooody IIC stuff....not fgting my chinese..exam's in a mth's time i better buck upp sialll!arrgghhh!

lemme juz slack for today,the last day...then i'll chiong..insya-Allah...

anw,some vids i LOVE SOO MUCH!

song that i juz dl-ed n saw it in youtube at NEWS concert..faint!wats more fainting is thr's NINO!!hahah..freakinnggg cute!

anor freakingly nice song from NEWS..cherish..gosh!i seriously love ryo's nasal voice..faint!n i love hw the audience also dance to the song..niceeee!!!

nino's latest drama..which will be aired on 29mar..woot!patiently waiting for it..his character in this show is superb..he'll be acting as someone overcoming illness..gosh!his acting is sure damn convincing..faint faint!!

n ive finished watching yamada taro monogatari in 2days..proud!haha!damn nice.i love him..i wont mind falling in love with a poor chap like that if that kinda person really does exist..haha!

gimmick game on rpt mode..i love nino's voice too!haha!

ok la..short's only 11+,still v early to sleep sia!sheesssh!im watching nino's other drama,haikei,chichiue-sama..wanna watch letter from iwo jima,but too many parts in you i shall wait till nx time or see who gt dvd then borrow n watch..ok la..ciaozz!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

my beloved math teacher

Omg laa I tell u how stupid and blur can I be la!shitty!im like suppose to do these ratios for only breadtalk, but donno why, I also go n do for food empire n I only realized it when I was almost done for all the ratios. Faint!! Damn stupid n blur laa..damn waste time also..wtfish mann!argghhh!im really dreading doin it..shitty shit! Feel like scolding ar I tell u,all the bad words that I know wanna come out siaa..haha!!f***!!!!

That aside,guess who I juz added in fb?lol!!!my math teacher back in fuhua fav teacher at! u don wanna know hw much I love him n enjoyed math at that time..haha!coz of him,I was deeply in love with math n did very well for the n & o lvls..far much better than I did in pri sch..haha!mann!n this is wat I typed to him when I wanna add him in fb..

coz i said mr chua,still rmb me?u taught me in sec 1-3..haha!time are u? (sthing like that la,i fgt liao wat i message!)

omgosh! you managed to track me down. Very scary...!!Yes, I taught you both A and E Maths in Sec 3 and you were very good in the subjs if my memory is not failing. You kind of always came in with top scores. How are you getting on?

haha!no laa..i saw friends on my list added you on fb,then i add also lor..hehe..yay!!you rmb!oh ya,u taught me in sec 3 only,juz rmbered that sec 1 & 2 was taught by ms yee.(ok so im a blur sotong..he only taught me in sec 3..haha!)lol!im currently in ntu business sch, doing business an am in yr abt you? =)

Ha ha... I'm over at NIE, just across the bridge from the new foodcourt.

Awww...sweet hor??he rmbs meee!haha..ehem..came in with top scores..ehem..haha!that was back then..i was such a!I love him.haha!mann,so all this while he is NIE..i hope to bump into him sia..heh..i love mr chua boon liang!woot!

i think he really freaked out that slowly students are adding!coz tats wat he typed in his fb notes..lolol! nx time i show u my pic taken w him..heh..

anw,a while ago mak went to jemputan..she asked me along,so that can makan2..haha.but im super duper lazy with so many things to do n also lazy to here i am stuck with the pc,on manjalara n waiting for the financial report to be dl-ded n do all the ratios..arggh!sick..zzz..

n yessss!!!yamada taro is damn f-ing nice ar i tell u...!!!nino f-ing cutee!haha!LOOOVVEEEE..haha!n i told shuwen that i may be getting the dvd..hoho..siao liao i know..she said she can lend me the vcd,like that i can save money..haha!not that i refuse,but juz that i love to own it n can watch it over n over agn..n i prefer dvd than vcd..chey chey..ngade2...hahha!sooo..yeah!im gg to get the dvd!!haha..faint..all also like,all also wanna buy..faint ar faint!

n so initially tmr wanna go out with ms tan wan qi,but she has dinner appt,so i'd rather cancel the meeting coz if not we will be we shall be kuai kias n stay at hm n do our assignments..haha!im also not gg for the 100days kenduri of my late nenek..coz i really hv many things to do with such a short period of time..furthermore,mak is gg in the mornin,then i don wanna miss my last religious class coz after tmr there will be 3wks break i tmr we're wrapping up the 1st cant miss..yea..

anything else ehh?oh ya!!acctg quiz results finaly out..i got 16/20.woot!happy sia..heh..happy day today!n at least im productive..i did my left with the non financial part of it which i will leave it for wanna bathe n then watch yamada taro!!wooot!not hungry to eat dinner..which is weird..haha! sooo much..haha!til then..ciaoz!

ps:in short..happy!i miss mr chua!i miss fuhua sec!i miss my wonderful grades!haha!

Friday, February 20, 2009

break here i comeee!

yoohoo!!it's officially the recess weeek!no one can be happier than mee laa sehh!woot!tho like i said there are assignments waiting for me,but who cares?i wanna enjoy my 1wk break as much as i can b4 the next term starts coz it's gg to hell..sheesh!

lemme share wat happen ystd..i like thurs v much coz it makes me know my classmates more abt them..haha!so i was late as usual..haha!sial la!i woke up only at 6.40!!i ignored all my alarms n i think my mum cant be bothered to wake me up or that she also cant hear my alarm..haha!damn kanjiong ar..i got bathe ok?haah!no kopet2 siaa!it was a mad rush..i will nvr fail to put my eyeliner..haha!but i didnt hv time to put conditioner on my hair,so i grabbed my conditioner and while in the lift,i did my hair..haha!buruk kann aku?lol!heng ar the lift nvr stop at lvl5,if not paiseh siaa!

anw,it was comm funds lesson n it was funny coz the tutor was asking that indon guy in my class abt talaq,cerai or divorce it!so she asked in Islam,you can divorce thru sms or watsover,coz she read it in the papers some time ago..then the indon boy said no u cant then he went on explaining abt it..then the tutor also asked me abt it.haha!n i know his name..if i rmb correctly,this is!ragil sardina wardina..haha!damn long n a typical indon name sia..haha!mann..i like him i wish we can be friends..heh..

that aside,after comm funds,i was super i chio-ed my classmates to taste the food thr..wahseh!shiok shiok!western halal!yong tau foo halal!chinese chicken rice halal!shiok cann!and cheaap!i tried chicken cutlet n butter rice..the rice not nice tho,but the cutlet is nice..the spaghetti looked appetising..shld hv tried spag rather than the rice..but anw..we've decided to go NIE every thurs for lunch after commfunds..heh..

so over lunch,we were gossiping n sharing!talked abt how we hated these few guys in biz law class n they always wanan participate n nvr give the chance for others to participate which is true n i hated them to the core like shit!haha!i don care mann!i hate them so much!always acting smart n asking qns thats not even in the context of our syllabus..puit!hate it soo much!haha..n we were saying it's safe to talk abt them coz we were at NIE n that ard us are most prolly teachers to be,no biz students!yaa.then we were sharing things..heh..i like!makes me get to know more abt them..ppl like bi huan n kah hwee..heh..kah hwee esp coz i don like her due to proj..haha!n i still do now,but other than proj,yea,she's nice..we have sthng in common..jap freakss!hahaha!=)

then it was time n headed back to north spine for law lecture..zzzzz laa!i was really sleepy like shit..smp lentok2 sakk!serious sehh..this is the only lecture that i will nvr fail to doze off..haha!im bad i know.i hate law v much!sheesh!

then went ikea w nat coz thr's sales n she wanna buy mirror for her usual,we talked n shared abt ething under the sun.n as usual,i rant to her abt my worries n all..heh..n she said that i think wayyyy too much sometimes n thr she was comforting me n made me not to think too much n to accept our classmates n don be mean to them..she didnt really say that explicitly,but ya,she went on saying that these ppl are innoncent n that their personality is jz like that..haha!nat's kind mann..i tell u,if not for her,i will least enjoy my uni life n that i don really hv the drive to work hard..hw we supported each other n she kept saying we shld work hard n put in the very best n don let the past discourage!im really gg to work hard get 2nd upper..aint easy yo!im tryingg..sheesh!uni's stress!pffft!

then reached home,lepak like shit!i slept at 10pm!gosh!nvr hv i slept that early..that goes to show how mentally n physically drained i was ystd..n i only woke up at 11+ today..haha!12 hrs of sleep..shiok or wat??

n i spent my day slacking ard n listening to arashi n news over n over agn..then bake choc cake..wahseh!nice siaa the cake!lembut cann?hahaha!so proud of myself..heh..

then watched the last few episodes of ryusei..damn sad n i cried a bit..i love nino soo much!now im like loving him more than ryo..hahaha!

then ironed my clothes..mak kauu!pe banyak!!i took liek 2hrs+ to iron..damn tired n my back is aching..sheesh!old liao..haha..

oh ya!then my 3rd came juz now to visit my mum..haha!kecoh ar my bro..i think we hv so much in common..but i don talk as loud as him..haha!i know we shldnt believe in horoscope thingy.but the 2 of us are gemini..hehe..u know,buying cds,i think i follow him..haha!my mum kept reminding him not to buy anymore!even juz now also reminded him agn..then he went."tak laa.tanye dilah..tak.."haha!that means he nvr buy alrdy,can ask his!funny!he ar,i tell u loves to spend on cds n nt so extreme like him..haha!then he said he visited nenek some day ago n nenek was crying to him..mann..i pity my nenek mann..die da la senang hati die fikirkan anak2..

then watt?nothing i am blogging away..anw,ive alrdy planned wat to do for this 1wk's jdorama marathon!!!i wanna watch

~Yamada Taro Monogatari
~Attention Please
~Letters from Iwo Jima

these are a muz watch..n if time permits,im gg to watch other dramas by nino n ryo..then hv loads of drama sia,esp nino..woooot!

ok la..wanna bathe..body soo sticky..then eat n watch yamada taroo!!gosh!nino freaking cuteee like f*!haha! =)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

phase 1 over!

omgosh!! indah is damn happy can? damn happy until donno like what coz my 2 torturous quizzes are finally over juz now n spared me of the agony.. then tmr is a slack day for me then after that nx wk will be the start of mid term break, tho it isnt much of a break, due to the assignments n proj, but at least sthing la hor, rather than gg to sch eday n squueeeeze in 179.. haha! shiokk!

anw, u know watt? i cant sleep sia ystd nite! i donno wat happened ehh! i know i had a late noon nap but that was only for an hr or so.. then did u know wat i ended up doing to keep myself asleep? listened to arashi n news n started to sing along tho i donno the lyrics.. heh.. then did crunches until cramp.. haha! then read the papers.. then played hp games.. until i almost slept n i donno wat time was that.. but i know the last time i checked the time it was 3+.. haha! faint! heng ar can wake up for 8.30 class n not sleepy at that.. happy! proud ar! n i can survive until now.. hahaha!

n so as i was saying, it was mid term alrdy, n tutors were advising us to participate in class if not, it will be hard to award marks.. wahlao! this one damn angry coz i tell u, i participate quite actively in IT n acctg, but not law! i hate law to the core n the % for participation is like so high, 20%.. wtf! i hate law soo much! i hate law coz thr's juz these 2 idiots who cant stop talking in class n loves to discuss abt sthing outside the context of our syllabus.. it's so freaking irritating shit! so this sem, thr's 2 ppl whom i condemn soo much, n they happened to be called lionel! chet!i hate this name man now! pfffft!! anw, i will try my best to participate more in class for blaw.. zzz..

IT was funn! coz thr was xu yun! my favourited tutor from china.. hahaha! the moment he stepped into the class, natasha shouted his name! hahaha! then i saw also shouted! haha! donno y etime see him, damn happy one.. lol! then he sat behind.. then i chio him sit in front our table laa, then he doesnt want.. then that table he was sitting at, started to occupy, then i chio him agn come sit in front with us. wah, i even take my bag away from the seat to give him.. haha! i love him laa! hahahahahah!

then asked him wat is he doin in our class n nat asked him hw is he.. he said he is a student, learn from the other tutors in conducting classes.. wah seh! hardworking! hahaha! i like himmm! =)) so happy ar see him i smile from ear to ear.. xu yun rocks mann! the best tutor i had so far despite his soft voice n shyness.. lol!

then i had my IT quiz.. kinda sucks sia! coz i only 75/100.. not that it's not high enough, but the fact that the questions u get is a random combination from 135 mcqs.. so u can get any combination of the qns..n heng suay, u get hard mcqs, then it sucks rite? ya lorr! then i got a lot of database mcqs n i was hoping n told nat that hopefully i don get soo many database qns then suay i kena soo many! wah lao! if not i tell u i can get anor 5 marks to satisfy myself.. coz most average got 70! haha.. but ok la, shld Alhamdulillah.. i passed not so low.. heh..

after that, slacked in the lab.. did a bit of database only n spent the rest of the time chatting w nat n xing zhen.. talking abt ething under the sun.. lol! then i told them my chinese name.. haha! then my chinese name the su n li same as nat's chinese name.. lol! then xing zhen said we're sisters.. lol! then talk n talk until it was time for acctg quiz.. damn scared like wat ar i tell u..

my hands shivered siaa! at the end of the quiz, everyone was complaining the shortage of time n the trickyness of the qns n hw hard it was as compared to last sem.. hahaha! i was like closing my ears n not hear them discussing answers coz i don wanna know which one i gt rite or wrong.. over liao, thr's nothing u can do.. shi bu shi? haha!

then noww! the answers are uploaded! so u can chk for urself hw much u get! n i get 15! haha! that is if i rmbered my answers correctly.. but hopefully i can get 16.. coz thr's this journal entry, i hope they wont mark so strictly.. then i can secure a 16.. heh.. if not, make sure i get 15 sia.. if not i cryyy! ppl get full marks ehh! n that is my acctg grp mate! faint! smart ass! n im sure he is not the only one.. but anw, im still happy w my marks.. =) coz those that i know, i got rite.. those i donno, is really donno liao.. hahahaha!

was chatting w yiheng then u know i like to type cryyy to show my expression that is really depressing.. hah! then he consoled n hushed me sia! hah! faint! he damn sweet i like! then jz now after acctg, i think i alrdy made way for him to go out 1st coz im still packing my stuff.. he sat all the way inside n sat beside him.. then he waited for me ehh to lemme finish pack up.. heh.. no la, he's juz being a gentleman.. heh.. smittened! thats one of the reasons y i love acctg.. juz now he saw my hp's theme, then said the love image is nice.. hahha! faint!

so yeah.. happy n contented.. don need to brood over it... now concentrate on my chinese, law n acctg assignment.. =)

so that's abt it for sch.. that aside.. wahlao, my fb damn kecoh.. haha coz my uncle's ex wifey added a few of us in fb.. haha! kecoh sak! her new husband not handsome sia.. my uncle more handsome.. haha! but ya la, he a bit useless.. lol! anw, wished her best of luck in her new life.. i do see my cousin tho, coz every wkend my uncle will take him.. so over the wkends if thr's gathering, then get to see him..

wat else? getting more n more in love with arashi n news.. haha! i cant get tired watching this vid.. happy birthdayy by news!!

the mv.. damn cute ehh i tell u.. i love the cg! i love ryo!

the live performance.. wah lao! ryo damn cute like *! haha!

oh ya!! gg to jb this sat! woot! w aisha n im gg to shop my heart's content.. heh.. i list down alrdy wat i wanna get n hopefully i can get gd bargain.. =)

n yea! dearest yue shun passed him tp todayy! he called me but i missed his call.. then he smsed me saying pass him my car keys to him.. lol! he must be over the moon! tmr meeting him to give him the little gift i bought for him for passing tp.. =))

ok i think that's abt all.. hungry liao.. actually my tummy a bit cramp thats y no appetite to eat.. but hungry sia.. then eat lor.. ciaoz mann! gg to ctinue ryusei n dinner! ja ne! =)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

wo jiao su li ya..hahha!

ok so im so stressed over the 2 quizzes im having tmr but still just a quick update..

lemme tell u,accounting today was sure damn boring.this is the 1st time after 6lectures,i find this lecture damn freaking boring coz we are now doin managerial acctg n it is taken over by anor prof n she is oh so damn loh soh..long winded like shit!haha!then some more juz now kept wanna shiit!omg laa!she juz started her lecture for 10mins,i rushed to the toilet..then,twds the end of the lecture,wanna shit agn!faint!when she finished her last slide,i chioong to the toilet..haha!faint!

chinese lesson,ok laa..i don like my chinese name sia..haha!coz it's direct translation from my name suria..she chose suria over indah coz she said that if translate indah,a bit!so suria lor..wahlao!when she 1st called me,she called my father's name!faint!haha!n so my chinese name becomes su li ya..which means li 4th tone as in beautiful,ya 3rd as in elegant..n my so called surname su,1st tone,no meaning..hahaha! li ya..chet!super not nice.i cant help it when my lao shi calls me su li ya..haha!faint!

then initially i wanna stayed back after chinese to study n i brought all my barang2,but super no mood liao..fgt it.headed home n slept in the late a bit awake..haha!havent eat dinner sia!!faint!

ok la,wanna pray then eat..then let it digest a bit by watching ryusei..hahaha!then sleep!tmr freaking loooong day from 8.30am-7.45pm..kalahkan org keje!haha!faint!after that....


so having said that..byeee!zai jian!ja ne!wan an!oyasumi!!nitezz!byee!lolol! =)

Monday, February 16, 2009

fever aka demam

ehh bored cann?wahlao!one whole day study liao until i donno wat to study,or rather,im juz lazy to study..i still hv one more seminar to go for IT..shitty!but at the looks of it,not tat bad coz most of it i cvr alrdy..heng ar!haah!anw,5% is damn pathetic n shldnt put in so much for acctg,i will chiong for the last time super no liao mahh..haha!

so i headed to the lib agn..wah seh!lib is sure damn hot laa..i reached at 11,all tables in occupied by at least 1 person,no empty tables..lib opens at 10 leh..then i was freaking a bit lazy to wake up despite the multiple alarms n reminders..haha!

so at the lib i saw the same girl who sat at the same table as me on sat..haha!so coincidental..n she still recognized me..n waved!touched ehh rmb me,when we only met once n talked for a while..haha!damn..i wish it was a guy..handsome guy at!better kann?maybe i shld frequent the lib more often then who!i wish..

anw,i rcved a call from someone unexpected,n that is my colleague from ml.gosh!750 am called me leh..i said la hello hello,then she on the other line also hello hello..then kept hello...ppl early in the morning damn groggy..haha!then i hung up..n i didnt bother to like call or sms back..the reason was because y wld she wanna find me after so long rite?haha!i donno mann!shld i like call back?ohwells..donno ar..zz..hahaha!weird..i wish it was sy..hahaha!

anor thing..there's this guy in IIC,super enthu..he started an email chain for all of us to intro ourselves..haha!betul2,aku mls nk lyn..haha..but all replied,so i also replied lor..haha!wanna know wat i intro or nt?lol!

~i simply love to watch tv..can watch the same show over n over agn w/out getting sick.haha!
~so wat i like to watch?japanese,korean,taiwanese dramas..idol crazyy over them..LOL!
~listen to music
~play badminton tho im nt gd at it..heh..
~other than that,i love to hang out..simple.. =)

things abt me:
~i may be a Malay,but i love chasing non-malay idols..haha!my favs are takuya kimura,SMAP,arashi n NEWS n also xiao zhu..hahah!anyone who has the same interest as me?lol!

wahaha!see the bold enlarged's johnny's idol fever yo!hahaha!faint faint ar!

that aside,the thing i hate abt the whole thing is that i hate the person who started the email coz he's racist..yeah..doesnt matter who is he racist against..n he admitted it he is one..wt*!thats y he's my arch enemy now tho he added me in msn but im nt gg to talk to him unless necessary n that im nt gg to the outings he organizes..haha!who cares?pfft!haha..

yeah!!n ive added a playlist on my blogg!woot!all the songs that i like..woot!all from johnny's entertainment..woot!crazyy liao..paiseh..hahaha!rockss!

then nvm!!shuwen accepted my friend's request mah..then she gave me johnny's idol gift..haha!faint!ryo half naked..wooot!faint!

speaking of which,i really looove nino's n ryo's voice..nino's voice is how to say?lantang?but in a nice wayy..gosh!ryo,a bit nasal but sexy nasal bukan mcm spin n spoon,the mly boybands sengau not nice..hahah!but his,is SUPERBB..hahahah!crazyyy!

anw,im really in love with this song by NEWS..forever..beautiful lyrics.. =)

You’re my precious baby my darling
Can’t stop thinking of you Only you
From the bottom of my heart everyday, every time, Forever
If it’s a lifetime with you, even a thousand years wouldn't be enough
With all sorts of plans, and so many dreams
I hope we’ll laugh and always be happy no matter what
So that there won’t be any sadness we can’t rise above
In an unknown future, there might be some anxious moments
But if the two of us just believe, there’ll be nothing to fear

You’re my precious baby my darling
Can’t stop thinking of you Only you
From the bottom of my heart everyday, every time,
You’re my precious baby For the first time,
I can swear without hesitation
For always I will love you Forever

If it’s a lifetime with you, I can laugh at my mistakes
We’ll spin together memories as the years go by
Because a future without you has no meaning
That kind of sadness isn’t something I can rise above
In a bitter world, there is bound to be hurt
But if the two of us support each other, we’ll make it through

You’re my precious baby my darling
Can’t stop thinking of you Only you
From the bottom of my heart everyday, every time,
You’re my precious baby For the first time,
I can exchange these words without hesitation
For always I will love you

I can’t believe in love like a mom
(But) I know it from the time I saw you, that night, at sight
Kiss and snug never fade away
This is the must time, last vibes in my life,
Rib it “Forever”

You’re my precious baby my darling
Can’t stop thinking of you Only you
From the bottom of my heart everyday, every time,
You’re my precious baby For the first time,
I can exchange these words without hesitation
For always I will love you Forever
You’re my precious baby In all truthfulness, you’re like a treasure
For always I will love you Forever

ahh beautiful!

ok la..wanna pray n eat n studyyyy!!at least a biittt!hahah!faint!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

pain in the pantat

u know some ppl are just a pain in the ass n i juz felt like scolding wtf straight to their's like i hv limits to my patience la...not only me but all humans do rite?i don give a fucking damn man whether or not u're older,younger or watever..but if u don hv the mind to think straight,alamak!mintak kene sepak ke tembak ar!i donno how to say mann..i juz feel like gg on cursing ar i tell u but i know that's not gd..arrgghh!it's really getting on my nerves..damnit!fuck off mann!

that's really distracting studying at home..library's the best mann n im heading the library tmr..hopefully i can wake up early n mugg in the enduring siaa all the way until thurs,n after that im gg to hv a gd rest b4 i start doing all the freaking assignments which are also a pain in that small ass of mine..hahah!

n dearest cousin kak linda finally had a blog..penat aku layan die tadi..haha!

wat else?ooh!ive chg my blog songg!wooot!nino!faint!im like loving him more than ryo..haha!no laa..both are special in their own way n i love them both!wooot!juz that..nino's i donno..haha!indescribable..lolol!but ryo alsoo!alamak!confuse!now whr to put xiao zhu n takuya?haah!i still love them mann!i love all of them! =)

oh ya i donno if i tell u this alrdy but my uztaz will be leaving spore to further his hopefully i can still go for classes n thr's replacement for him..

ok la..wanna busuk n panas..then study IT..hope to get all those software thingy inside my brain n also the database.zz..!sucks!

last min!!

omg!at the last minute i found itt!!


superb!he's sweating soo much but still soo cooool! =) he penned the song himself sia..i think the music..then he played the piano..gosh!!
the actual recording has some nice backgrd.the sea waves,the birds chirping..

いつもそうよitsumo sou yo
just as usual,

拗ねると君はsuneru to kimi wa
when you get upset,

私の大事な物を隠すでしょう watashi no daijina mono wo kakusu deshou
you go and hide away my most precious things.

その墓所は決まった同じだから sono bashou wa kimatte onaji dakara
but since that place (where you hide them) is always the same

今日は先に行って待ってみるは kyou wa saki ni itte matte miru wa
this time I'll try to be there waiting for you.

季節達が夕日を連れて来て kisetsutachi ga yuuhi wo tsurete kite
the seasons are bringing along the setting sun

影が私を見つけて延びる kage ga watashi wo mitsukete nobiru
and the shadows find me as they stretch.

ビックリした顔で私を見つめては bikkurishita kao de watashi wo mitsumete wa
with a startled expression you fix your eyes on me,

急に口尖らせ”プイ”とそと見るは kyuuni kuchi togarase "pui" tto soto miro wa
suddenly pouting your lips and looking away.

"ごめんね”と言うと "gomen ne" to iu to
I tell you "I'm sorry"

"じゃあ、こっち来てよ”と "jaa, kocchi ni kite yo" to
tell you to come here

"ねえ、ほらほら、見て見て "nee, hora, mite mite,"
hey, look, look,

影が重なった。。。”kage ga kasanatta...”
our shadows have overlapped..."

傘がぶつかり 真直ぐ歩けない kasa ga butsukari, massugu arukenai
our umbrellas have collided and I can't go any further,

そんな私を見て笑っているの sonna watashi wo mite waratte iru no
are you laughing at me right now? (because of the situation)

私もやって 見せてあげるの watashi mo yatte, misete ageru no
I'll show you I can also do it,

同じように口を尖らすonaji you ni kuchi wo togarasu
I can also pout my lips like you.

優しく笑う君が yasashiku warau kimi ga
you smiling gently,

この時間が空間が kono jikan ga kuukan ga
this time and place,

泣きたくなるくらい nakitaku naru kurai
I feel like crying,

いちばん大事な物だよ ichiban daijina mono dayo
because those are my most precious things.

わざと尖らせてる waza to togaraseteru
I purse my lips on purpose,

私に”ごめんね”の返事を待たずに watashi ni "gomen ne..." no henji wo matazu ni
and without waiting for your turn to say "sorry"

優しくキスしたの yashiku kisu shita no
I go ahead and kiss you gently.

これからはちょっとくらいのわがまま korekara wa chotto kurai no wagamama
from now on, this sort of selfish things

言ってもいいよ itte mo iiyo
it's ok to say them,

でも私にだけよ demo watashi ni dake yo
but only to me.

”面倒臭いから”って" mendoukusai kara" tte
you say "it's too troublesome".

素直じゃないんだから sunao ja nain dakara
that's not very gentle.

何て言えないのかな nante ienai no kana?
I wonder why you can't tell me

“好きだよ?”一言よ "suki dayo", hitokoto yo
that you love me, just those words.

たまには聞きたいな tama ni wa kikitai na
because right now that's what I want to hear.

今日は私と君が kyou wa watashi to kimi wa
today is the day our

名字を重ねた日myouji wo kasaneta hi
family names become one,

愛を芽吹いた日ai wo mebuita hi
the day our love sprouts.

"la la la la la..."

虹がきれいだよ niji ga kirei dayo
ain't the rainbow's beautiful?

いや、お前の方が iya, omae no hougano,
it's you who's really beautiful.

テレ始める君に terehajimeru kimi nito
you for starting to blush,

ありがとう ありがとう arigatou, arigatou....
thank you, thank you...

i tell u,coz of my new 2gb ipod nano cant fit all these songs n had to delete songss..faint!so my ipod is full of smap,xiao zhu,arashi n news..hahahahaha!ppl muz be wondering if this ipod belongs to INDAH..haha!but i still hv my all time fav david archuleta n indon songs n some mly songs sia..hahaha!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

busy mee! [edited]

wahlaoo!busy like shit..been mugging...seriously..haha..spent the whole day in the library today n mugg..wahlao!damn guai cann?haha!

soo much studying,n here i am busy dl-ing arashi..ehh damn nice ehh..wahlao..i love jpop seriously..shiok!

anw ystd met wan qi n SHUWEN!! a way i didnt spend which is a gd thing,but coz i wanna buy shoe n kak linda said there's sales,10bucks shoes damn nice,but omgosh,not my taste..haha..faint..

then went to eat pastamania..shiok..finally!!heh..reached hm at 11..dead beatt by then..but i endured n went online to settle some stuff n then watched long nvr watch..heh..then read a bit of IT..

n here i am..woot!finished dl-ing some of arashi as some i cant dl-ing news..then back to mugging mode.. mood to mugg..haha!news songs are damn nice too!gosh!faint!i can connect type siaa..wahlaoo!faint!ryo damn droools cann?hahaah!n i also watched the mv..wahkaoo!damn cute arr!thr's juz this guy whom i looked at once,damn like takuya ehh!the height,the hair n all..the way he dances..super like takuya!

speaking of takuya,i was telling shuwen abt his affair..n shuwen was telling me watever was reported out of japan cant be trusted n very exaggerating n she said takuya loves his family more than anything else..mann..haha!actually,quite truee ehh..after hearing that,i rmb ch told me some time ago that takuya takes care of his family like precious n protect their privacy like nobody would,esp his 2 bao bei a bad fan or wifey!haha..shldnt believe n kept thinking it..i wouldnt say i believe the news,but..argh!cant help but think abt it laa!

then there's this article in my paper that shuwen helped me reported saying that takuya went cycling w the family,to cover up that rumour..sheesh!this is media la hor..i shall have faith in my husband until he reallly divorce officially,otherwise,he's THE MANN!

ok im deadd beat from all the dl-ing but im still not satisfied coz thr's juz this one nino's song that doesnt seem to be available n it's quite irritating..zzz!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


i was damn f-ing freaking shock when xiu hui told me that takuya's marriage is on the rocks as he was having an affair!shocked!

then when we went to the lab to do access,i went to asianfanatics to research n yess!omgosh!it's true!he wasnt exactly having an affair,but was seen checking into hotel with model n beer ladyn only leaving the hotel the nx day.gosh!it's been in my mind siaa..haha!but anw,no matter wat,he is still my idol..he is a human also afterall..humans make mistake yo..

been very busy n tired n i don hv time n mood to watch bfb as much as i wanna watch.but am watching my new dvd..haha!shiok!!ninoooo!!ryoooo!!! =)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


nino damn kawaii!gosh!he's a bit on the shortie side tho among his members..but who cares?same ht as!i love him!he sang soo relax laa!kakkoiii!i love his voice!he's a lefty!lefties (no such word sia..) are cool!official fan of ARASHI! wooooosssshhhhhh!

ps: gosh!i love checkered soo much!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

super slack monday

ok so it's 3am..i wanna blog..heh..

when was my last entry?fgt liao..but anw..i watched finish last friends for the 3rd time in 2days,or rather,i think 2night..damn shiok..heh..slacked the whole of monday,my free day watching it..then met aisha n went imm tgther..initially,my plan was juz to go alone in the late noon,to top up my ezlink,then go imm to pay my bills n get the dvd..haha!then juz chio aisha along n she wanna tag along too coz she wanna buy oven toaster..haha!so yup,went with we always never fail to crap n i was telling her how kawaii n kakoii ryo is n she said she cant see how gd looking is he no matter which angle she looks from..haha!idiot!but then when i showed her the dvd,then she said ah,the dvd's pic not!

she headed home by bus n i walked home..wah..feeling..!!the breeze was shiok..then nvm..while at the carpark,nobody i looked at my own shadow on the ground and adjusted my hair.haha!w/out realising tat there was a car which had a man in it n he was looking at!heng ar i nvr do anything stupid like talking to myself or singing..haha!normally tat area is very quiet..heh..

but sthing juz saddened me soo much which is tat i hv a bloody IIC meeting later at 6.30pm which sucks to the core coz i end my lesson at 3.30pm n i had to wait for 3hrs..shit!im gg to get hungry n tired..3hrs lehh..cant waste juz like i've packed my acctg barang2 n hope to complete reading the lecture notes n at least finish some of the tutorial qns..ahz sianz!there goes my short,beautiful tues later..cfm when i reach home later,LEPAK!ish!gd thing i had done my law n acctg tutorial..IT nothing to do..ya..hmm..HENG AR!maybe if not so tired,watch the new dvd..WOOOTT!heh..

so ya as i was saying,the stubborn me still bot the dvd in the end,the other drama that ryo acted plus nino..hahaah!n im completely at my wit's end not to spend..i only hv like a few bucks to spare for the mth..i can persevere!n come march,i wanna shop til i drop!lol!

the funny thing abt the dvd was that i don wan my mum to know ive been buying dvds..not that im hiding or wat la..coz in the end,she will still see the dvds coz it's always my tv console..haha!juz that i don wan her to see sooo obviously..but juz now,the moment i entered the house,my nephew,got big mouth ehh..he went.."cd..nenek,cd.."..haha!faint!she told my mum..hahaha!faint!but my mum nvr say anything money..hahahah! =p

n two beloved mc taking their tp soon n i wish them gdluck..i really cant wait for them to PASS..haha!! =p

oh ya!contacted adeline juz ystd,as in sunday...shall meet her up soon mann coz it's been donkey yrs..haha!i kept saying wanna meet but bad..heh..then syah also wanna meet up to teach her acctg..ahhh..she's one hardworking girl,so i muz also work hardd mann!

ok 3.30 liao.i better catch some sleep if not i will doze off for acctg lecture or worse,late for my project meeting later at 9.30..ZZZZZ!!

ps:learning beautiful days,code n prisoner of love..LOVESSSS!!!

Sunday, February 08, 2009

crazy n fainting! HELP!!

somebody juz help me coz im gg crazy over him laa!ryo chan!!kawaiii!gosh!NEWS is really awesome..ok la,maybe not NEWS,but only ryo..hahaha!faint!!!anw,juz a puzzling thing,he belongs to 2bands..kanjani8 n news..faint..confuse..haha!anw..LOVESSSS!!

been you-tubing..too many sia the videos i tell u i didnt hv time to watch n juz bookmarked!faint!

ryo is really awesome..sugoiii i tell u!omgosh!his solos are superb!he is juz him!his style..omgosh!thr's only ONE RYO..n of course,thr's also only ONE TAKUYA!!faint!!i love to connect him with takuya..his senpai siaa!hahaha!LOVESSS!!!

johnny's really produce gd bands laa!

SMAP- sports music assemble people

NEWS- north east west south (ok la,sound a bit ehem..hahaha!)

freaking sexyy!those sleek mj's moves!reminds me of xiao zhu!hahha!f-ing sexxyy i tell u!i love the locking move..if that's wat u call..haha!faint!!then stripped ehh!faint!hahaah!then got one move,errr,a bit not right.haha!but who cares?i like!hahaha!cikopek i!

n this is rockkk!gosh!simple!love it!i love u!!!aiseteru!marvellous song! =))))

ok SLEEEPPPPP!!!!! =(


Saturday, February 07, 2009


omgosh it's saturday but im at hm the whole day but bo pian coz i wanna save money so cant go out..i woke up at 9,then watched last friends agn until end..haha!shiok!watched 2times n i tell u i can juz watch's juz damn freaking nice..i love ruka!!i love sousuke!!heh..

then spent the rest of the day practicing chinese strokes..hen nan de!im fainting..soo many ehh..matiii sehh!diee sehh!but yeah im persevering siaa..

bfb now boring ehh..sheesh!i donno y..but this wk i only enjoyed some of it..tmr mak's gg i think i'll juz stay hm after madrasah n do law tutorial..

been singing prisoner of love..haha!nice siaa..

so 2days nvr online for so long,so tonight im gg to watch anor dorama..wooot!attention plss!lovess!

Friday, February 06, 2009


yooohoooo!it's friday yaa..the day that e'one is looking fwd to,but not me..coz thurs is the day that i look fwd to coz it's the end of sch wk..haha!oops!

so ystd was quite a tiring day for me,n i dozed off at 1132!haha!yes damn freaking tired..coz the past few days i've been sleeping at weird timings n woke up damn ystd super cant tahan..

but ystd was a funn day!coz i bot last friends' dvd!haha!yes!i bot it..siao liao..n started watching..freaking nice arr!

so i had comm funds n law lecture ystd..after comm funds,nat n i suddenly felt like eating n nat was like super hungry i think,so we headed down to quad..haha!at that moment,i fgt all abt saving money coz i seriously feel like!so i had chicken bento..y do i hv the craving for it?all thx to watching that jap drama..always talking abt hayashi rice..haha!tho it wasnt hayashi rice,bento also can laa!heh..n nat had baked rice..

then still got time,we went to biz library..wanna do my acctg tut,but donno how to do,so i ended up on-ing the pc..heh..then showed nat the kissing part of last friends.haha!she called me pian dai..haha!ok i donno hw to spell tho..then showed her takuya..then she said that one of takuya's older pics looked like this indon guy in our comm funds class.haha..i LOL like shitt ar!then nvm..still call that indon boy farmer's son..haha!damn idiot lorr..then i said laa,if his hair is more kept,he is shuai..really..until now,i donno his name coz he has quite a long super indon name..haha!

then after law lecture,went jp n searched for last friends..happy lehh!some more gt 20% i only bot it at 19.90..n i also saw the other drama alsoo!n i wanna buy alsooo!omg!how how!i needa save mann!shit shit!lemme think abt it mann!

so today i went to the library to do my tutorial n mug for IT..sheesh!how blur i can be,i didnt bring my acctg stuff..heng ar i brought along joyce's stuff,if nt,i ended up not doin anything in the library n that trip will be unfruitful..haha!blur blur..

so yeah..ive settled acctg tut n IT..left law n chinese,which i will leave it to wanna watch last also nothing to do..
then stil gt wat?oh yaa!xiao zhu coming to spore as a guest in somebody's concert..mann!n it's 18apr,in the mid of exams..donno if i shld go or nt lehh..coz only guest mah,at most also 1-2 songs..shall think abt it..

n yes,ive received my health check up results..all is ok..Alhamdulillah..n i think i needa exercise for optimal health..haha..serious mann..coz my hdl cholesterol only falls within the desirable range,n i shld aim for high coz this will reduce further the risk of heart disease,n this can be achieved thru EXERCISING..haha! pls indah for gdness sake,exercise!liver,bone,kidney,urine,blood count n all yupp!im ok mann..heh..

ok laa..thats all..wanna last friends-ing..ciaozz! =))


cutee!gosh!i wanna very much go for his concert on v dayy!gosh!faint!

Thursday, February 05, 2009

next plssss!

woohoo!!3days to finish anor drama!i like!!i juz finished siaa..woot!proud..crazy i know..heh..kakoii!hahah!faint!damn nice!ok laa,all the dramas that i watched i will definitely say damn nice.but seriously,this is damn nice..sthing different..i wld nvr hv thot of such a storyline!lovee!

I LOVE RYO! I LOVE NINO! GOSH! FAINT!nino's bday is 17 june ehh!haha!2days after mee!haha!smittened!!

i donno wat to watch nx coz i love both of them..haha!i guess i gotta stop for a while coz proj n quizzes are piling up n i needa catch up man..but if im stubborn,i guess i'll juz watch..haha! =p

anw,juz now IT presentation went well n yea!one down!woot!

ok..gotta like sleep..later 8.30 class siaa!looking fwd to later 2.30am coz that's the end of sch weeeeek!!!WEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

stay with me

the start of a new sch week..crazyness!tmr will be the day that i can start choosing wat specialization i wanna do..shessh!stress!

powerful live performance! <3

at smap x smap..ever embed before..haha!

the mv..gosh!loves!she's soo like ueno laa!she wrote the song..awesome!LOVESS!

last friends' opening!superb!i love last friends!i wanna buy the dvd!!!

Prisoner of Love
~Utada Hikaru

With an indifferent face you tell a lie
Laughing until you feel sick
“Let’s have nothing but fun” you said

Feeling blue over desiring the impossible
Everyone is seeking tranquility
You’re struggling, but you’ve had enough
Now you’re chasing after a shadow of love

Since the day you appeared
My dull “everyday”s have begun to shine
Now I‘m able to think, “Feeling loneliness, being in pain - that’s not so bad”
I’m just a prisoner of love
Just a prisoner of love

Through painful times and healthy times,
Stormy days and sunny days, let’s walk on together

I’m gonna tell you the truth
I chose an unforeseeably painful path
and you came to support me
You’re the only one I can call a friend

Fake displays of strength and avarice have become meaningless
I’ve been in love with you since that day
When I’m free, with time to spare, there’s no life in being alone
I’m just a prisoner of love
Just a prisoner of love

Oh... Just a little more
Don’t you give up
Oh don’t ever abandon me
If the cruelty of reality tries to tear us apart
We’ll be drawn more closely to one another
Somehow, somehow, I have a feeling we’ll be able to stand firm
I’m just a prisoner of love
Just a prisoner of love

Every day banalities quickly begin to shine brilliantly
You stole my heart that day
Loneliness and pain I thought I could deal with
I'm just a prisoner of love

Stay with me, stay with me
My baby, say you love me
Stay with me, stay with me
Don’t leave me alone again

ok..time to bathe n switch to dorama mode.. =) ciaoz!

jdorama mode

ahhh!im back to jap dramas mode..hahaha!faint!like i said,i wanna watch his other dramas,so now im watching this drama called ryusei no kizuna,akak meteor bond..n im much smittened by this guy called Ninomiya Kazunari!!haha!

omgosh!after watching the 1st part of the 1st episode,i find him super familiar laa,like ive seen him act in some other jap dramas that ive watched b4..n true enough,when i searched,it is really himm!mann!u imagine,i watched him when he wass damn young,ard 14 yrs i think?lolol!omgosh!n i watched this drama which was aired oct last yr,which was not soo long ago n he was 24?1o yrs apart ehh,can still recognize him..that old drama was fun too.super funny shitt!hahaa!faint!damn shuai!faint!n he belongs to a band arashi..(i know arashi yo,not only smap..haha!)..faint!haha!faint faint damn faint!

the drama is freaking nice i tell u..wat more,got 2 shuai ge-s..haha!omg!i love them both!im like loving ebody!haha!

so i love the drama n try to finish in 3days coz once u start u cant stop..haha..but provided i did all my bloody tutorials..zzz..!haha!n hopefully i don doze off in lectures..heh..i'll be a gd gal n do my all work 1st b4 i watch..

anw,wan qi gave me the link to stage..faint!i love the tshirt!muz save up to 80bucks to get juz 1 tee..haha!faint!

ohya!went for health check up jz was funny that i was soo scared to draw blood..when i put my hand on the table alrdy,i pulled my hand away n said ehh wait ar..then i cool myself 1st b4 i put hand back on the table for the nurse to draw..haha!the other nurse laughed n asked i scared is it..haha!when she was drawing the blood,nvr once i glance at it..haha!i looked away all the way..haha!damn scaryy ahh!but nt painful..a bit only laa..but still i don dare to look at the needle..haha!

will get the rpt in 3wk's time so i hope im all well..heh..insya-Allah..

n oh mann!wan qi's cookie really disappear!faint!got ghost ar i think..haha!no worries laa..nx time i bake agn give u..heh..=)

ok laa..near 3am..i needa sleep mann!tho i wanna ctinue watching that drama..sheesh!better sleep!pfft!oyasumi! =)

nino when he was 14 in one of the jap dramas that i watched back then..haha!this drama is in 1998 siaa!still fresh in!

last yr,casting in ryusei no kizuna..faint!kawaiii!

the 3 main casts..including ryo..ahhh!kawaiii!! SMILES!!

ps:prisoner of love on rpt mode.. =)

Monday, February 02, 2009

ラスト・フレンズ~Last Friends

yeah ive finished watching last friends in 3days!omg!damn nice!f-ing nice like shit!i love the story..sthing soo different n refreshing that i wld nvr thot of..twists n turns n complication,n it all came to a happy ending tho in the end nikishido died!which was a bad bad pt..haha!mann,his character in this drama is totally the opposite of 1litre of tears siaa..gosh!he's juz one dead damn gorgeous guy who can carry any characted..shit!juz like kimura san..haha!faint!faint!

i love ppl who can cry easily w/out having to force the tears out of them..haha..n nikishido did juz that..damn!ok i think i shld address him as ryo..haha!anw,aside from him,i also love ueno juri!omg!her acting,damn kakoii n superb like hell!even jia huey said soo..haha!i love her laa!man!really gt that damn attitude..she carried herself as a lesbian damn well!i may consider buying the dvd man!damn nice if watch on tv..haha!but actually come to think of it,i watch this coz of ryo..but ended up,his part in this show not so big..haha!but yeah,ueno juri amde me wanna ctinue watching..sheesh!damn nice!10 thumbs upp laa! =))

anw,it was sad n touching n teared..esp the part whr ryo died with the wedding gown!damnit!damn touching n sadd laa!b4 he died,he raped michiru..then he regretted..then he committed suicide..with the wedding gown..then he left a letter to michiru..wah seh!CRYYY!!

Gdbye Michiru. I will set you free. So long as im alive, I will keep confining you. that’s y the only way to set you free is to make this heart stop. I wanted to become ur ething. I wanted to become the whole world that you saw, all the light that shone upon you, n all the happiness you felt. No matter where we were, I wanted to be with you forever. But you, in a world whr I don exist, found happiness, didn’t you? Thats y im gg to die. at least, while im still able to feel warmth on these hands.. while this body still rmbs being one w you.. I'm sorry.. Even tho I loved ur smiling face so much, I wasnt able to make u smile. I'm sorry.. for nt knowing hw to love. I'm sorry..that I cldnt make you happy, farewell, michiru . Live a happy live..

CCCCCCRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYY!for gdness sake..damn touching laa!he had to diee!arrgghh!

ok..i've had my fill of last friends..i love the cast soo much!i think i wanna watch anor drama of nt tonight..gotta sleep siaa..heh..til then..ciaoz!

Sunday, February 01, 2009

what 24?

yoohoo!blogging mood it's sunday n the wk is coming to an end soon..mann..that's like damn fast can?but yeah i think i had enough rest..heh..

so wassup?thurs was my last entry,so start with friday..i had make up for my hua yi class..heh..i think it's kinda cool la that class,quite happening n on..but heng also i nvr get that class coz im kinda shy in class to speak up.i mean for chinese class..haha!anw,that class has gt loads more nationalities like england n spain..mann!that spanish guy is sure damn hot i tell u!he's got this clean face,n he wears specs..gosh!faint!n i love him conversing in chinese that accent..haha!n there's more mlys also..all the minah tudung..then indons also a whole gang of them..haha!i juz tegur this one mly gal coz we happened to leave the classrm tgther,so being a bit friendly,i tegur n asked her wats her name..haha..she's from tue's morning class,also came for make up..

anw,otw home,i saw yiheng..hahaha!then i tapped him to say hi coz he didnt see took quite some time for him to recognise me coz i was wearing specs..he was like errrr..then only hi-ed me!cute..heh..wo xi huan da..then at nite he msned me n said the he couldnt recognise!then he said since when i wear specs ro was it sting like that?i!if i were to tell him that it's a fake specs,he's gg to faint n thinks that im!then he went on to said that he lost in gambling..haha!asked me if i know hw to!he's funny..i love chatting w him..did i tell u that both of us love xiao zhu??haha!then when he wanna log off already,then said bye mah,then my bye is xiao zhu's emoticons..then he replied bye n said this comp no!!funny mann! =)

so basically tats my friday n i spent the whole night watching last friends..omgosh i tell u it's sure a damn nice story n i super like the story line i definitely in love n smittened by nishikido ryo..hah!he's f-ing shuai!really got attitude..jap guys are godd!haha!i love the way he walks..juz like takuya..haha!he doesnt walk,he cat walks!mann!i walk also not like that sia..super anyhow one walk..haha!love himm!n im definitely loving the ost prisoner of love..i love the song way b4 watching the drama,n now that i watched the drama,im loving it more n more laa!beautiful lyrics n compliment the drama damn well!n wat a small world,one of the main casts also casted in engine..haha!no wonder i find her familiar..n im gg to finish ep 8-12 by tonight..haha!cant wait ehh..shiok shiok! =)

i spent my saturday slacking ard like babi..haha!damn lazy to do anything mann i tell u..shit!when my parents went for kenduri,i was alone at home,watched some tv,then later ended up the tv watched me sleep..haha!then when it was 5+,then only i was quite awake,then ate..then while eating,suddenly wan qi smsed me n said tat the bottle of cookies went missing..haha!she suspected her bro took it..mann..cry!hahaha!then after that i did some ironing..

then by the time,my parents were home..woohoo..mak bot for me new alarm clr!i like!heh..mann,she knows hw badly i need an alarm clock after i gave her mine coz my nephew spoilt her alarm clock,then i passed her my alarm clock,also she bot for me,then now she bot anor blue alarm clock..haha..she knows i love nothing but blue..heheh..sayang mak!then at night,ctinue watching last friends..haha!then watched bfb..damn funny ar bfb..i love bfb!really missed their hosting after 4days for entourage.. =)

then juz now went for madrasah..was a gd girl coz i didnt feel sleepy n was awake for the whole class..mann..this class really makes me like wanna hv a feel of wat it's like to in a rship..haha!thr's nothing wrong with it rite?i mean..ok..i shall leave this for some other time when i hv the mood to talk abt it..n tiq told me abt her tutor said that ntu nbs is better than nus biz,then it reminded her of me..haha..then she saw some guy's father's name same as me,then it reminded her of me agn.haha..TOUCHED that she rmbrs!

then when i reached home,suddenly i wanna tell my mum sthing..all coz of tiq told me abt ntu nbs' i went.."ehh mak,no laa,juz wanna tell u,that my biz sch is no 24 in the world.."then she went "wat 24?"hahaha!i was like "ranking laa,in the whole world,we're 24..better than nus as nus is 36..haha!but of course i told her in mly laa..heh..juz wanna let her know that her daughter is in a top sch..ranked 24 world wide..hahahaha!so random rite?heh..suddenly strike such a convo..

then wat else?oh cookies,suddenly so mum juz told me that my cousing asked me to bake for her,then she wanna pay me..hahaha!initially i was lazy,but since i wanna earn some cash,ok la,y happy my cookies are delicious..haha..coz im nt v confident of wat i prepare..i may say nice but ppl may not like it n i may be sad if ppl don like it..hahhahaha!

oh damn sad that hotshot only managed to stay in no1 spot for one wk last wk,n this wk,drop to no4..sheesh!sad!now muz chg my nick..cant put no1..haha!

then i did my biz law tutorial..tough man..while doin it,prisoner of love is on rpt mode for the whole time while i was doing the tutorial..haha!crazy i know but the song is juz damn learning the song..heh..far much easier than chinese songs man..haha!

thats all i guess..quite on track now..juz left completing biz law tut 4 n do correction for acctg 3,then tmr read acctg n chinese n go for my health chk up in sch..til a bit more work n watch LAST FRIENDSSS!!!!!! =) smiles! =)))) (aisha said the drama boring.chett!haha!)

Inextinguishable Happiness – Cause I Believe
Luo Zhi Xiang Show

No reason, I just like you
When we first met, it was like we met again
Take a deep breath and let your actions turn invisible
The perfect love is a silent melody

Listening, I hear your tone of uncertainty
Waiting, I’ll wait for you to let go of your hesitance
Hey, If you gently close your eyes
I will understand the decision you make

‘Cause I Believe
That melody of inextinguishable happiness
In the palms of your hands, who will give you beauty
The quiet one will always be quiet
So just let my heart quietly protect you
Happiness needs no echo

No reason, I just like you
Yearning as wide as the sea, emotions sky high
You walk forward,
Just watching the silhouette of your back
Is enough for the whole world [weather] to clear unconditionally

You, if you’ve already fallen in love with his name
Love, if it already has no space for me
Hey, as long as you can forever be happy
I’m willing to be gradually forgotten

Giving happiness to you
I Believe ‘Cause I Believe
That melody of inextinguishable happiness
Your hands don’t necessarily need me to hold them tightly
Just like a star there will always be a reason to shine
I Believe you’re worth cherishing
And also worth giving up