Wednesday, May 13, 2009

viva smap! is such a nice day n i love it..for once,i feel soo peaceful..after those was sunny the whole day n that's wat im waiting no,not that i don like the rain,but it's been raining,so i long for the it was sunny!!yea,i came out finally..haha!then i went to jog..wah shiok ehh!!jogging is really sooo's like juz run,run n run..put aside all your worries,then juz run until u cannot tahan..then cool downn..wah!that feeling is satisfying..wootz!so i jogged as usual,then i brisk-walked towards the end to cool down..wah shiok!love it! :)

but b4 that,i went to imm to kill time..ok la,not really kill time,but coz i needa transfer money to shuwen for my dvd n mags freshly flown from japan..hoho!then at the same time juz browse at daiso..i love daiso..juz looking ard at stuff makes me happy..some more they play one song super nice but i donno who sing tho..but that aside,i love the frames at daiso!!kireii!!omg!i aim this one frame,u can put 2 pics on the frame,if u get wat i reason for buying that frame is to frame up my takuya's pic..hahahaha!yess!if not,juz keep only,for wat rite?that pics are all from japan ehh..from kazuko-san specially for me,a smap n takuya fan!hoho!loves!so i shall get that frame soon..i think can fit.. :)

then i don really wanna go anywhere else,so headed home..n it's so boring w no tv shows,so i played my POP-UP DVD also flown directly from japan..thx to mel's sis who bot for me!! :)..
ahh!!gotta love smap forever n ever n ever n ever!!u will nvr get sick of their songs,both new n old..each time i listen,it is still as refreshing as ever..LOVES!n i love takuya kissed shingo when they sang bang!bang! my fav song,my fav duo..wootz!loves!

a short sweet day..i love it!n fyi,i off my hp for the whole day ystd til this morn..coz lately,the hp's irritating..ehh noo..rather,the smses n phone calls are irritating..hoho!but that aside,i chged my greeting msg..haha!nice ehh!chged to love situation..omg la!do u know wats my greeting msg b4 this?3 words by vince..gosh!!that was like SUPER DUPER LOOOONG can?hahaha!now now is ARASHI..shld off my hp more often then ppl can hear how sweeeet arashi is..hohoho!! :)

n yes!!anor thing that made my dayy!!u know,ive been trying hard to find nino's version of orion,one of the insert song to ryusei,but to no avail.those that ive dl-ed b4 were either not clear,cut,or edited until not nice at all!haha!then i sian liao..then somehow,i tried my luck to send a msg to this girl from youtube (i assume since the username is reina) n asked her if she is willing to share her orion coz it's super crystal n clear n damn nice n i fav it since i don hv the mp3 n can only hear from youtube..n she replied meee!!damn shiok cann?im soo elated like wat ar!! :))

Thank you for a message. I am weak in English, I do not understand it well. Do you want to do DL of this music? I come in DL.

wahh sweeeet!!she's a japanese when i see her profile!!!then i replied her back this..

I’m sorry if you don’t understand English. I assume you are Japanese? Sorry, I can’t really speak Japanese :)
Ya, what I mean is I want to dl. So do you mind sharing with me your version? It is very nice and clear. Maybe email me the mp3? Or do you know where I can dl, because those that I dl before are all not nice.
Arigato for your reply. I am very delightful!

:)) hope to hear from her sooon mann!!n that she will send me her mp3..damn nice!!i think it's far much nicer than the original..nino sang in his own way with soo much emotions n feelings..daisuki! :)))

oh ya..NP has had its graduation..mann..time flies ya..i felt as if i graduated,it's anor batch graduating..those moments..i tell ya,u're juz gonna miss NP..esp BA..NP ROCKS!i still rmb,when i was waiting for the ceremony to start,even when it started,i teared a i got from e'one..if not for them,i wldn't hv graduated..LOVES!n soo,CONGRATS GRADUANTS 0809!!!

ok laa..thats all i guess..i've watched finish my boss my hero n it's very nice n touching..i love tegoshi after watching this..he's soo cute laaa back then..the drama was in 2006..n he's a leftie!! i hv hots for leftie sia..hahahaha!n now,im watching anor drama,titled Mei-chan no Shitsuji..the reason for watching this is coz thr's mizushima hiro.. :))..

n ive watched the quiz show ep not yet uploaded..sheesh!a bit slow..okok..that's all..hoho!

n finally..arashi n nino! :)) u can juz ignore this.. hoho!

this time,i wanna share i love fedora hats..nino in fedora hats is kinda cute tooo!tho i think takuya in fedora hats is the best of the best..heh..but still,i think nino looks equally hot too!

ahhh!!kakoii!!coool kannn!!ahhhh!!kazu!!

ahhh!!see seee!!this is back in 06,arashic album..

i cant say anything but juz SMILE..

even in cap,equally cute..

n i saw this checkered cap in city square the other day w wan qi n wanna pose w it,but the salesperson are everywhr,so no chance to take..i think i looked nice in it..hoho!!oops! =p

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